Saturday, July 23, 2016

Opinion: President Trump - Get Used To It The Way Some Of Us Did By Bucky Fox

By Bucky Fox, Jul. 23, 2016, Buena Park, CA

We'll be right. When Donald Trump wins the presidency on Nov. 8, some of us can cheer our seer power. Ann Coulter called Trump a lock atop the Paris slaughter of Nov. 13. I guaranteed a Trump triumph way before the Muslim massacres in Europe and California -- and wrote a column to make it official in February. WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah recently predicted a Trump landslide of Reagan proportions. 

Also the other day, "Reagan: The Movie" producer Mark Joseph said over lunch that he could see everything breaking for Trump at crunchtime. We're on the winning side. Just as the rare Trumpeters of 2015 -- Jeff Lord, Charles Hurt, Michael Savage -- have enjoyed higher volume with TV and radio voices Gina Loudon, A.J. Delgado, Kayleigh McEnany, Laura Ingraham, Jesse Lee Peterson, Bill Mitchell, Tucker Carlson, Andrea Tantaros, Kim Guilfoyle, Pat Buchanan and Sean Hannity. And yet. The conservative holdouts are maddening. 

Sure, Van Jones and Paul Begala will never leave the lefty reservation. But GOP hands Mark Levin, Hugh Hewitt, Jonah Goldberg, Rich Lowry, S.E. Cupp? Their conversion to Trump is slower than a Hillary fashion change. Speaking of which, what do those righties want? The pantsuit hag kicking down the Constitution and borders? Evidently such old-guard Republicans don't care if the White House stays flaming red. Which leads Trump fans to ask: Why? 

What is it about Trump's dead-on positions that the George Will gang can't stomach? What exactly don't they like about: Build the wall. Stop the Muslim terror flood. Kill ObamaCare. Erase Common Core. Solidify gun rights. Slash taxes. U-turn inversions. Paint the art of the trade deal. In reality, Bill Kristol & Co. love Trump's takes. What they can't stand is being wrong -- exactly how they've been for a year -- as Trump: Announced his candidacy. Won every debate. Spelled out policy details such as how to fix the VA. Drew expanding throngs. Dominated the primaries. Won the nomination in a delegate rout. 

Charles Krauthammer and fellow travelers went down the Trump-can't-win path. And can't handle getting exposed for such spectacular idiocy. They're still at it. Just the other night former GOP Congressman John LeBoutillier told Fox News that Trump better be nervous since too much of the party doesn't like him. WHAAAAT? 

After Donald drew the most Republican votes in primary history? And my namesake network keeps paying serious cash for the LeBoutilliers to spew this crap. You know what's at the heart of conservatives' anti-Trump drumbeat? Embarrassment. People hate wiping egg off their face. I felt that in my office from the Summer of Trump through New Hampshire and Indiana. 

Professional pundits full of themselves promised Rubio would topple the real estate titan. And when I stood tough with Trump, they dismissed me to cover up their humiliation. As the faulty faction remains intransigent vs. Trump, these political nuts are looking more like the pouting Cruz. Get over it, people. Listen to Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who delivered a harsh counter in Cleveland: "Hurt feelings are not qualifiers for leadership." Or for the last word in Coulter's new book: "In Trump We Trust." 

Bucky Fox is an author and editor in Southern California.

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