Thursday, October 1, 2015

Defund Planned Parenthood By Alexandra D. Datig

By Alexandra D. Datig, Oct. 1, 2015

A young, pregnant woman seeks out an abortion. She goes to her local Planned Parenthood center where she visits with a doctor and a nurse who sell her an abortion. In the mind of the young woman she doesn’t understand abortion is a business and abortion providers must meet their quota to stay in business. She foolishly believes the abortion providers actually care about her life, her mental health and her overall wellbeing.

A few days later, she shows up for her appointment and enters the abortion clinic. She is convinced she will face too much conflict and hardship in the future if she keeps her baby. The father is nowhere to be found and she just got laid-off and is already behind on her bills. No one offers her an alternative plan or solution for the little life she carries inside her. No one has even made her aware that her baby’s little heart is already beating.

A nurse welcomes her and brings her to a room where the young woman’s vital signs are taken. “You’re alive and well” says the nurse after taking her pulse. She is brought to another room where she is asked to disrobe, put on hospital garb and is asked to wait for the abortion doctor. A few minutes later, a doctor arrives and asks her to lie down on the abortion table. Very little is said as the nurse enters and prepares a shot of morphine. A speculum is inserted, and a painful sting tells the young woman the morphine is injected locally. She doesn’t know it but it is at this time her baby dies.

The Morphine has taken a crippling but temporary effect as the room starts spinning and the young woman hears a dim sounding motor from the abortion vacuum aspiration machine. She feels another sting and then excruciating pain as the now dead fetal tissue is sucked out of her uterus. The procedure is over within a few minutes and the morphine is already starting to wear off. A cab driver is waiting in the lobby to bring her home where she rests for the next few days.

This heartless scenario plays out every day in abortion clinics all over the world. The way abortion is sold to young women is fraudulent on the basis alone that women are not made aware they have other choices. Based on this lack of principle and ethics, Planned Parenthood should be defunded for the fraudulent methods they use to sell abortions to unsuspecting women. No taxpayer should be made responsible for this type of barbarity.

We have had more than 55 million abortions since Roe v. Wade was enacted into law. That number represents an entire generation.

Planned Parenthood says it does not use taxpayer dollars to provide abortions. Yet it is hard to believe the $450 million they receive in taxpayer dollars to service 2.7 million patients, which represents 41% of Planned Parenthood’s money, is not used, in part, on abortion. Given abortion is one of the most expensive services at Planned Parenthood, the House Oversight Government Reform Committee should hire forensic accountants to get to the bottom of how exactly taxpayer money is allocated.  

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