Tuesday, October 31, 2023

IDF Spox: Hamas Leader Involved in Oct. 7 Attack Is Killed in Airstrike that Hit Gaza Refugee Camp

Sen. Hawley Confronts Mayorkas Over DHS Employee Posting an Image of a Hamas Paraglider Flying into Israel

Sec. Mayorkas Defends a DHS Employee Who Posted — on October 7th — ‘F—k Apartheid Israel’

Lindsey Graham Calls the U.N. ‘The Most Anti-Semitic Body on the Planet’ After General Assembly Votes for Ceasefire Resolution

Monday, October 30, 2023

ABC 7: After Only Three Weeks, Officials Say Los Angeles Controversial 'Zero Bail' Policy 'Is Working, 12 Cities Are Suing

Ingraham Angle: Gavin Newsom Falling on Chinese Kid 'Great Fall of China' Is the ‘Only Time He Wants Us to Compete with China’

Kamala Harris Says Her Priorities Are Ensuring ‘the Benefits of AI Are Shared Equitably’ and Preventing ‘Algorithmic Discrimination’

Lisa Boothe: Cornell University Students Calling for the Death of Jewish Students

Kirby: Anti-Semitic Threats Against Jewish Students ‘Dangerous,’ But There’s Obviously Also a Rise in Anti-Muslim Hate

Joe Concha: ‘The Honeymoon Is Over’ Between the Media and ‘The Squad’

Netanyahu: ‘Calls for a Ceasefire Are Calls for Israel to Surrender to Hamas’

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Alex Datig: In A Time of War in Israel, Where Is The Patriot Act When You Need It?

Cernovich on Speaker Mike Johnson: Republicans Traded Its Greatest Fundraiser for an End Times Obsessed Evangelical

Trump: They Indicted Me Because I Protested a Crooked Election

Jake Sullivan on American Citizens Trapped in Gaza: ‘Hamas Has Been Preventing Their Departure’

Christie: GOP Needs to ‘Get Rid of Donald Trump’ — He Can’t Beat Biden from a Courtroom

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: Fox News: Mike Johnson (R-LA) Is Elected Speaker of the House 220-209

Saturday, October 28, 2023

KCAL: LAPD Kicked Off YouTube After Posting Video of Brutal Attack

ABC 7: 22-Year-Old Man Facing Murder Charges After Crash in Malibu That Killed Four Gets Bail Reduced by Half, Is Out On Bond

Fox News: Biden Justifies Syria Airstrikes to Congress

Iran Foreign Minister Warns U.S. Will ‘Not Be Spared’ if War in Gaza Continues

Renato Mariotti: Trump ‘Can’t Count’ on Ellis or Chesebro to Let Him ‘Off the Hook’

MSNBC: Judge Orders Ivanka Trump to Testify in Fraud Case

Mike Pence: ‘I Have Decided to Suspend My Campaign for President Effective Today’

Friday, October 27, 2023

UN General Assembly’s Amendment to Condemn the October 7 Terrorist Attack on Israel by Hamas Failed to Pass

CNN: Maine Mass Shooting Suspect Found Dead

Pentagon Press Sec.: We Do Not Want Conflict with Iran, We Do Not Seek to Widen This

KCAL: U.S. Launches Air Strikes in Syria Aimed At Iranian Backed Militias

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Mike Johnson: House GOP Will Be Finding Cuts to Fund $14 Billion Aid to Israel

‘Come Out with Your Hands Up!’ FBI Has Maine Shooting Suspect’s House Surrounded in Stunning Scene on Live TV

J.D. Vance: U.S. Energy Policy Is ‘Actively Enriching the Iranians’

Dershowitz: The Gay and Trans Students For Palestine Should Volunteer in Gaza

Majority Leader Schumer Meets with Families of Hostages Held by Hamas

Chris Cuomo Admits that ABC Banned Their Reporters from Wearing American Flag Pins After 9/11

Dem Rep. Jamaal Bowman Turns Himself in to Police After Being Charged for Pulling the Fire Alarm in a House Office Building

Billionaire Tells Fox that College Students Demonstrating Against Israel ‘Have Sh*t for Brains,’ Says He Won’t Give to Columbia Anymore

Sen. Ron Johnson: The FBI Had a Program, a Scheme to Turn All Derogatory Information on Biden Crime Family and Say It Was Russian Disinformation

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Fox News: Maine Mass Shooting Person of Interest is Firearms Instructor Recently Treated at Mental Health Facility

Lewiston City Councilor Confirms 22 Dead, ‘We Locked All Our Doors, We Grabbed the Guns’

Fox News: 20+ U.S. Servicemen Injured After Series of Attacks by Iran Proxies on Middle East Military Bases

Trump Praises Mike Johnson: ‘Fantastic Gentleman’; ‘He’s Going To Do a Great Job’

Speaker Johnson: ‘The Challenge Before Us Is Great, But the Time for Action Is Now, and I Will Not Let You Down’

Biden’s State Dept., DHS Officials Have Absolutely No Idea How Many Illegal Immigrants Have Entered the Country

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Matt Gaetz, Seven Other Republicans ‘Need to Apologize’ for Triggering House Chaos

Biden: ‘I Wanna Thank the Israelis and the Palestinian— Excuse Me...’

Fox News: Mike Johnson (R-LA) Is Elected Speaker of the House 220-209

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Rep. Ken Buck: ‘I’m Confident’ Kevin McCarthy Will Bring Votes for Mike Johnson

ICMYI: Candidate for Los Angeles DA Nathan Hochman: I Was Selected by U.S. President, Unanimously Confirmed by Senate to Run Tax Division, In Charge of 350 Lawyers, 200 Staff and $100 Million Budget

ICYMI: Candidate for Los Angeles DA Nathan Hochman: DA Needs to Be Partner in CARE Court, George Gasćon ‘Absent in Partnering on Homeless Problem’

ICYMI: Candidate for Los Angeles DA Eric Siddall: 13,000 Un-filed Cases in DA’s Office Because No One Wants To Work for George Gasćon

CNN: Mike Johnson Is Selected as Nominee for New Speaker of the House

GOP Rep. Buck: We Will Have a Speaker Before the Government Shutdown Deadline 13 Days from Now

CNN: After Receiving Immunity, Mark Meadows Testified in Federal Court ‘Trump Was Being Dishonest’ with 2020 Election Claims #UPDATE Story being Disputed by Meadows Attorney (CBS)

RELATED: Mark Meadows lawyer George Terwilliger disputes this story per CBS

MSNBC: Jenna Ellis Fourth of 15 Co-Defendants in Trump Legal Team to Plead Guilty in GA 2020 Election Case

Fox News: Emmer (R-MN) Drops Out of House Speaker Race

U.N. Chief Guterres: Hamas Attacks Cannot ‘Justify Collective Punishment’ of Palestinians

CNN: Ex-Trump Lawyer Janna Ellis Pleads Guilty on GA Election Case Citing She Has ‘Deep Remorse’ Over False Statements

Trump on Emmer as GOP Speaker Nominee: ‘He’s a RINO. Looks Like He’s Finished’

CNN: House Republicans Nominate Tom Emmer for Next Speaker Ballot

Kevin McCarthy on Speaker Battle: ‘People Are Tired of All This’

John Kirby: ‘Ceasefire Right Now Is Only Going to Benefit Hamas’

Monday, October 23, 2023

Ratcliffe: Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah Have ‘Likely Sent’ Their Bad Actors Thru Our ‘Open Border’

Sr. Adviser to Netanyahu: ‘We Have No Interest in More Fuel Going to the Hamas Military Machine’

Editor of Jerusalem Post: I Don’t See How Netanyahu is Going To Survive This Politically

CNN: Parents React to Video of Badly Wounded American Taken Hostage by Hamas

Rep. James Comer: ‘We Just Proved that Joe Biden Benefited from His Family’s Influence Peddling Scheme’

Ron Klain to Dem. Reps Against Israel: ‘It’s Time for the Voices to Come Down’

Visibly Affected Trey Yingst Has to Withhold Details of Hamas Attack ‘Too Disturbing to Explain on TV’ Revealed by Interrogation of Hamas Terrorist

Fox News: CBP Is Warning of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad Fighters ‘Exploiting the Porous Border’

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Blinken: All the Hostages Need to Released by Hamas ‘Now, Unconditionally’

Front Page Index Clip of the Week: Biden Urges Americans to ‘Renounce Violence,’ ‘We Reject All Forms of Hate’

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Congressman Mast on Biden’s $100 Billion Aid Request: I Think It’s Dead on Arrival

Leaked Audio of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Berating Staffer: "F**king Idiots Serve No Goddamn Purpose - WARNING: Explicit language

MSNBC: Senior Israeli Officials Warning U.S. to Expect a War That Could Last as Long as 10 Years

Fox News: Rep. Kevin Hern Jumps into House Speaker Race

Fox News: Biden Mentions Saudi Arabia at a Fundraiser, Says ‘I Wouldn’t Call Them the Greatest Democracy in the World’

Friday, October 20, 2023

KTLA: 50,000 People in Los Angeles Served with Eviction Notices After COVID-19 Protections End - Sept. 29, 2023

Rep. Brian Mast: Republicans Are Opposing Jim Jordan for ‘Petty Reasons’

Kevin McCarthy: ‘We’re in a Very Bad Place Right Now’

Biden Again Claims He Once Awarded His Uncle Frank a Purple Heart He Earned at The Battle of the Bulge

Rep. James Comer: Committee Uncovered $200,000 ‘Loan Re-Payment’ to Joe Biden from Family Business Dealings

CNN: Jim Jordan Loses Secret Ballot to Remain GOP Nominee for Speaker

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Perino: Biden’s Speech Sounds Like the ‘Pages Were Mixed out of Order’

Biden Urges Americans to ‘Renounce Violence,’ ‘We Reject All Forms of Hate’

Marjorie Taylor Greene: GOP Conference Is ‘Absolutely Broken’

State Dept. Spox: Hamas May Try to Divert Humanitarian Assistance and Keep It from Getting to the Civilians

Rep. Jim Jordan: ‘I’m Still Running for Speaker, and I Plan to Go to the Floor and Get the Votes and Win This Race’

Sen. Schumer: ‘For Six Hours, the World Blamed Israel Unfairly’ for Gaza Hospital Bombing

Mark Warner: Empathy for the Innocent Palestinian Civilians Should Not Translate into Sympathy for Hamas

CNN’s Elie Honig: Sidney Powell’s Plea Deal Is ‘Devastating For Donald Trump’

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

CNN’s Bashir Reports from Amman, Jordan: Some Protesters Are Attempting to Storm the Israeli Embassy But ‘It Has Been Mostly Peaceful’

Biden on Gaza Hospital Attack: ‘I’m Not Suggesting That Hamas Deliberately Did It Either’

Pro-Palestinian Protester Interrupts Jack Lew’s Senate Confirmation Hearing for the Role of Ambassador to Israel

Israel Releases Audio of Conversation Between Hamas and Islamic Jihad Members Discussing the Gaza Hospital Attack

Biden to Netanyahu: It Appears that Gaza Hospital Was Bombed ‘by the Other Team, Not You’

Fox News: Arrests Made on Capitol Hill as Protesters Call for Ceasefire

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Ned Nyun: Biden’s Nomination for Ambassador to Israel is Jack Lew Who Oversaw Infamous ‘Pallets of Cash’ Transfer to Iran Under Obama

Netanyahu: ‘Hamas Are the New Nazis,’ the Entire World Must Unite to Defeat Them

Biden Drops Jordan Trip After Leaders Cancel Meeting in ‘Disappointing Setback’ for President

Sr. Advisor to Netanyahu: 'Israel Does Not Target Hospitals,' After 200-300 Dead in Gaza Hospital Strike

Kirby: The President Believes This Is Exactly the Right Time to Go to Israel and Jordan

Kirby: ‘There Are No Plans ... to Put U.S. Boots on the Ground’ in Israel

U.S. Citizen Stuck in Gaza: ‘You Feel a Bit Lost When You Don’t Hear Anything More from Your Government’

Fox News: Jim Jordan Falls Short in 2nd Ballot for House Speaker, 200 Jordan, 212 Jeffries, 7 Scalise, 6 McCarthy

Trump: Letitia James Defrauded the Public with This Trial

Monday, October 16, 2023

Bush on the Israel-Hamas War: ‘Negotiating with Killers Is Not the Option … My View Is One Side Is Guilty, and It’s Not Israel’

Fox News: State Department Issues ‘Ready to Deploy’ to 2,000 U.S. Troops for Defense of Israel

Senior Adviser to Netanyahu: ISIS Didn’t Have a State Sponsor While Hamas Has Iran

MSNBC: Israel Says 199 Hostages Being Held in Gaza

Kevin McCarthy on Speaker: ‘I Feel Good About Where Jim Jordan Is At’

Jim Jordan: We’re Going to Elect Speaker Tomorrow, That’s What I Think Is Going to Happen

MSNBC: Judge Chutkan Issues a Partial Gag Order on Trump in His Federal Election Interference Case