Sunday, January 31, 2021

CNN: Myanmar Military Overthrows Government In Coup Over Election Irregularities

Ben Ginsberg: Trump’s New Legal Team Two Experienced Litigators, ‘Wild Card’ Is ‘Election Was Stolen’

Steve Hilton: Why Isn’t Joe Biden Furious at Dr. Fauci For Funding Wuhan Covid Research?

Guy Benson: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Support on Donald Trump Is a Very Big Headache on the GOP Leadership

Lee Zeldin: Democrats Are Demonizing Republicans

Fox News: Five Of Trump’s Impeachment Legal Defense Lawyers Resign, Decision Mutual

Stelter on CNN Going After Fox’s Cable Carriers: ‘Reducing a Liar’s Reach’ Is Not the Same as ‘Being Anti-Free Speech’

MediaBuzz: Marjorie Taylor Greene Under Fire Over Past Facebook Posts

Mollie Hemingway: Trump Impeachment Lead By Democrat Media, Those Who Oppose It Don’t Get Covered

The Wolf of Wall Street: Robinhood Will Go Out of Business

Bill Bennett Slams Teachers’ Unions: They’re Not Working and They’re Getting Paid, ‘It’s Extortion’

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: Joe Concha: By His Own Definition, Biden Already Governing Like Dictator With 40 Executive Orders In His First Week

RELATED: The Hill 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Judge Jeanine: Gov. Cuomo ‘Reckless Cover-Up’ Caused Deaths Of Thousands Of Seniors In Nursing Homes

Nick Langworthy: Gov. Cuomo Writes Book In Middle Of Pandemic Declaring Self ‘A Hero’ While New York Has Most Deaths

Janice Dean Says She Wants Full Bi-Partisan Investigation Of Gov. Cuomo And Health Investigator In Nursing Home Cover-Up

Nicolle Wallace Floats ‘Drone Strikes’ as Solution to ‘Domestic Terrorism’

Tiffany Cross Tells Scaramucci There Is Desire To ‘Sanitize’ People Who Rocked With Trump

Fox News: Pentagon Plan To Vaccinate Guantanamo Bay Detainees, Including 9/11 Terrorists, Placed On Hold

West Virginia Governor: ‘We Can’t Do Without Coal and Gas Today’

Sen. Cassidy: ‘I’ve Never Seen an Administration Start Off Deciding to Kill Jobs’

Friday, January 29, 2021

CNN’s Brianna Keilar Calls Out Andrew Cuomo Over Nursing Home Deaths

Fox’s Charles Payne, Gasparino Erupt in Shouting Match over GameStop Frenzy

Pastor Robert Jeffress: GOP Needs To Quit Playing Footsies With Extremist Groups, Conspiracy Theorists

Fox News: Biden Promise Of Having Plan For Pandemic ‘On Day One’ Falls Short

Joe Concha: Everyone In The Room Dumber For Hearing Gov. Cuomo Say He ‘Blames’ Feds For Nursing Home Deaths

Jesse Watters on Cuomo: ‘He Played Around with the Body Count and Shifted It to Hide the Blame for His Deadly Policy’

Charles Payne on Stock Market Frenzy: Robinhood Chose Hedge Funds Over Customers

Pataki Rips ‘Delusional’ Gov. Cuomo: ‘He Does Not Have a Sense of Reality’ if He Thinks that Nursing Homes Deaths Report Is Political

Jen Psaki Refuses to Comment on NY Nursing Homes Deaths: Any Investigation, I Would You Point You to the DoJ

Cuomo Adviser Blames Federal Government for Covering up Nursing Home Deaths

Cuomo on AG’s Damning Nursing Deaths Report: ‘Who Cares’ Where They Died, ‘They Died!’

Biden: It Could Take a Year Longer to Return to Full Employment If We Don’t Act Now

Fox News: McConnell Slams Biden Over Mass Layoffs, ‘Tsunami Of Pink Slips’

Fox News: Stefanik: New York Covid-19 Nursing Home Deaths 'A Cover-Up', Scalise: Demands Release Of All Data

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Chris Hayes: When Fox News Called Arizona, It Opened the Possibility that It Was over for Trump

Virginia Dad: This Country Was Built on Strong Leaders, Make a Plan to Put Our Kids Back to School

Fox News: New York A.G. Reports Covid-19 Nursing Home Deaths 50% Higher Thank Previously Reported

Biden Covid Adviser Chastises California For Loosening Restrictions

Psaki on Biden’s ‘Dictatorship’ Comment on Exec. Orders: ‘You Took the President’s Comments a Bit out of Context’

Sen. Warren Floats Conspiracy Theory Rich People Are Manipulating Gamestop Stock

Raymond Arroyo: Joe Biden Signed ‘Mexico City Policy’ For Taxpayer Funded Abortions Abroad

Joe Concha: By His Own Definition, Biden Already Governing Like Dictator With 40 Executive Orders In His First Week

RELATED: The Hill 

Pelosi: Trump Must Be Convicted to Ensure that No Future President Will Ever Think It Is Okay to Insight Insurrection

Biden Calls Trump ‘The President’, Has Coughing Fit

After Saying that the U.S. Is Responsible for 10% of World’s Emissions, Kerry Says China and the U.S. Are Responsible for 50% of All the Emissions in the World

Psaki Defends Biden’s Record Number of Exec. Orders: Addressing ‘the Pain and Suffering’ Is ‘Unifying’

Flashback: Brian Stelter: ‘Trump Wants Sycophants on the Air, Not Reporters’, August 1, 2019

Charlie Sykes: The Post Trump Republican Party Could Be Worse than the Trump Republican Party

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Chuck Schumer: Evidence Against Trump Will Be Presented in ‘Living Color’

Sen. Josh Hawley: We’ve Got To Take A Stand For 1st Amendment, Civil Liberties In This Country

Joe Concha: Biden Vaccination Plan Not Aggressive Enough, Won’t Help People Most In Need

Cuomo Panel: You Didn’t Just See a Bunch LGBTQs Storm the Capitol; Veterans Are Ripe for Recruitment

Don Lemon Praises W.H. Press Conferences: What a Difference When the Press Doesn’t Get Called ‘The Enemy of the People’

CBS: With January Marking Deadliest Month Of Pandemic, CDC Says 90,000 Could Die Next Month

Lou Dobbs: New John Solomon Reporting Says F.B.I. Was Aware DOJ Was Ready To Fire Comey Long Before Trump

McCabe on DHS’s Terror Threat Warning About Right-Wing Americans: ‘Why Did They Wait So Long’

Rand Paul: Democrats Sending Us Towards Crazy World Where Anyone Could Be Impeached

Outnumbered: Former DOJ Officials, Big Tech Greater Threat Than Those Who Stormed Capitol

Tim Kaine: If We Can’t Get to 67 Votes for Impeachment There May Be Another Way to Hold Trump Accountable

Joe Biden: Will Stop New Oil and Gas Leases On Public Lands, Off-Shore Waters, Not Banning Fracking

Joe Biden Says He Will Create 250K Jobs To Cap One Million Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells

Scarborough Goes on Rant: Lindsey Graham Wants Us To Forget a Cop Was Beaten to Death

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Fred Barnes: Unconstitutional Democrats Identify Trump As Someone He Is Not By Trying To Remove Him ‘As President’

Lou Dobbs: Newly Declassified Docs Show DOJ Officials Tried to Get McCabe To Reuse Himself From Russia Probe

Leo Terrell: Dr. Fauci ‘Flip-Flopper’ 15 Minutes Of Fame Is Over, Being Used By Dem Left To Throw Dirt On Trump

Lindsey Graham: Biden’s a Disappointment, Impeachment Tells You a Lot About His Desire for Unity

Tucker: My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell Twitter Permanently Suspended, Being Cancelled By More Stores

Leo Terrell: Trump Impeachment Unconstitutional, Violates His Due Process Rights

CBSN: Italy’s Center-Left Prime Minister Resigns Over Handling Of Coronavirus

Rand Paul: ‘No Democrat Will Honestly Ask Whether Bernie Sanders Incited the Shooter that Nearly Killed Steve Scalise’

WHO Tells NBC that They Don’t Know if Covid Originated in China: ‘Too Early to Reach that Conclusion’

Dr. Fauci: We Needed To Rejoin W.H.O. Because Pandemic Is Global, Virus Likely Came From Wuhan

CBSN: ‘Doubtful’ Democrats Will Get 17 Republican Senators Needed To Convict Trump

CBSN: Trump Considered Replacing Acting AG For Failing To Challenge Election Results

Psaki Dodges on if Biden Considers Antifa ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Like the Capitol Hill Rioters

Monday, January 25, 2021

Newt Gingrich: Democrats Unified In ‘Hatred Of Trump’ Because They Have Nothing Else To Unify

Hannity: Chief Justice John Roberts Refuses To Preside Over 2nd Impeachment

John Ratcliffe: There’s a Concern in Weaponizing Nat’l Intelligence Again with Appointment of Susan Rice

America’s Federation of Teachers: ‘Of Course’ We Stand Behind Chicago Teachers’ Illegal Strike

Study Finds West Virginia Among Worst States for Women-Led Businesses

Xi Addresses Davos: ‘There Is Only One Earth and One Shared Future for Humanity’

‘Fox and Friends’: Sarah Sanders Announces She’s Running for Arkansas Governor

President Biden Signs Executive Order Lifting Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

Biden: Trump Admin. Didn’t Take ‘Buy American’ Seriously Enough

Newt Gingrich: It’s Almost Like Biden Believes ‘Unity’ Means ‘Surrender’

Newt Gingrich: Nancy Pelosi Most Dangerous Speaker Of The House In American History

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Rand Paul and George Stephanopoulos Spar on Election Fraud

Romney: Trump’s Attempted To Corrupt Our Elections and Should Be Resolved as Part of His Trial

John Solomon: Durham Building Small Number of Indictments Focused on Top of F.B.I.

Tulsi Gabbard: Watching Our National Guardsmen Sleeping on Garage Floor ‘Made Me So Angry’

Mitt Romney: Some Biden Actions Leading to ‘Anger and Division’

Fox News: Newsom Recall Petitioners Have 70% Of Valid Signatures For Effort Ending March 17th

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: Brian Kilmeade: CBO Says Biden $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Would Eliminate 3.7 Million Jobs

Devin Nunes: Twitter ‘Is a Sewer Farm’

Devin Nunes: Comey and His FBI Agents Have Done a Good Job of Burning Down the GOP

Tom Cotton Says Biden Agenda Will Not Get Support in Senate

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Commentary: Alex Datig: President Biden and VP Harris Represent the Lowest Common Denominator in American Politics

Fox News: 5,000 National Guard Troops To Remain In D.C. Until Mid-March, Some Infected With Covid-19

Jen Psaki Doesn’t Seem To Be Aware of the Antifa Violence in Portland and Seattle

Dr. Fauci: ‘I Took No Pleasure’ in Publicly Contradicting Trump

CNN: Texas Man Charged with Threatening to Assassinate AOC, Openly Tweeted About It

Gov. Kemp: I Support Voter ID Checks for Future Elections

CNN’s Erin Burnett Offers Brutal Takedown of Sen. Josh Hawley’s Election Fraud Conspiracy Mongering

CNN: Broadcasting Legend Larry King Dead At 87

Friday, January 22, 2021

Ken Starr: Senate Lacks Jurisdiction To Impeach Former President, There Should Be Motion To Dismiss

Leo Terrell: First Week Shows Biden Taking Country In Wrong Direction, Country Has Buyer’s Remorse

Bernard Kerik Appears On In Focus with Stephanie Hamill To Discuss Capitol Hill Riot, 2020 Election And Public Safety

Brian Kilmeade: CBO Says Biden $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Would Eliminate 3.7 Million Jobs

Alberta, Canada Premier: Cancelation of Keystone XL Pipeline Kills Good-Paying Jobs, Makes the U.S. Dependent on Dictatorships

Schumer: ‘Senators Will Have to Decide if Donald John Trump Incited the Erection ... Insurrection’

Graham: ‘Hopefully the Senate Will Reject the Idea of Pursuing Presidents After They Leave Office’

GOP Rep. Says He’d OK $1,400 Stimulus Checks for People Who Receive COVID-19 Vaccine

Scarborough: ‘I’ve Never Understood’ Why We’re Not Surveilling Trump Activists

Jen Psaki on Whether Biden Believe that Trump Should Be Convicted: ‘He’s No Longer in the Senate’

Biden: ‘We Cannot, Will Not Let People Go Hungry’

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Newt Gingrich: Portland and Seattle Riots Might Have Been Antifa’s Answer for Not Being Called Domestic Terrorists

Lindsey Graham: Sen. McConnell Has a Plan, the Senate Won’t Impeach Trump

Lou Dobbs: Trump’s Patriot Party Will Be Born Comprising His 74 Million Supporters

Dan Bongino on Cancel Culture: This Country Is Dead as a Doornail, Only Liberals Think We’re Free

Hannity: Computer Repair Shop Owner Says He Saw Ukraine ‘Pay-For-Play’ Scheme On Hunter Biden Laptop

Tucker: How Does Any of Biden’s Executive Orders Help the Ordinary American?

CNN’s Camerota Asks Biden Comms Chief if They Will Retaliate Against Networks Like Fox News if They Lie

Joe Biden Rushes Out Of The Room To Avoid Media 'Give Me A Break Man'

Kevin McCarthy: WHO Lied to Us About Covid, Why Would We Reward that on the Very First Day in Office?

President Biden and Vice President Harris Attend Virtual Inaugural Prayer Breakfast

Pelosi: ‘I Don’t Think It Is Unifying’ to Move on and Forget that Trump Committed an Act of Incitement and Insurrection

Speaker Pelosi Won’t Say When House Will Send Trump Impeachment Article to Senate

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Flashback: CNN Covers Up For Hillary Lying About Sending Classified Information On Her Private Email, Aug. 23, 2015

Flashback: Bill Barr Spars with Wolf Blitzer: ‘Let Me Talk,’ Substantial Fraud Has Been Found with Mail-In Ballots

Portland Antifa Protesting Biden ‘We Are Ungovernable,’ ‘We Want Revenge’

SOURCE: Twitter

Hannity Pans Biden’s Speech: Bill Clinton Was Falling Asleep, Bernie Sanders Looked Miserable

Tucker: Now That We See John Brennan on TV, How Could Someone So Dumb Lead the CIA?

Leo Terrell: Senate Republicans Need To Step Up And Show Where They Stand

Jesse Watters: My ‘Sources’ Say Trump’s ‘Note’ to Biden Thanks Him for ‘Building the Cages’ and To ‘Not Touch the Wall’

Lindsey Graham: Trump Had a Right to Challenge Election Results

John Brennan Likens Trump Activists to Insurgency that Must Be Defeated

Rand Paul: If Republican Leadership Goes Along with Impeachment They’ll Destroy the Party

Rand Paul: Comey ‘Should Be in Prison for the Things He Did’

Joe Biden: ‘At This Hour, My Friends, Democracy Has Prevailed’

Joe Biden Has Been Sworn in as the 46th President of the United States of America

OAN: Trump Delivers Remarks Departing White House ‘We Will Be Back In Some Form’

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Fox News: 143 Pardons Or Commuted Sentences Include Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon

John Solomon: Looks Like Durham Still Going Forward To Build Significant Criminal Case

Farewell Address of President Donald J. Trump

Biden Makes Sudden Emotional Pivot as He Tries Quoting James Joyce

Pelosi: ‘Donald Trump Was a Stain on Our Country,’ He ‘Was Unworthy To Be President’

Mayorkas: The Threat of Domestic Extremism Is One of the Greatest Challenges that DHS Faces

Sen. Scott Calls out Yellen, Biden for Job Destroying, Business Closing Nationwide $15 Wage Mandate

CNN: Former Satanic Cult Member, Mental Health Expert Says Insurrectionists, Americans Suffer From Dissociative Disorder Because of Trump

Monday, January 18, 2021

Tucker Carlson: Daily Beast, Media Call For New Domestic Spy Agency, Secret Police

Mika Screams at Zuckerberg, Sandberg: ‘You Guys Are Pathetic,’ ‘You Guys Need To Be Shut Down’

Alex Berenson: What Color Is The Sky In Biden’s World? Everyone Is Wearing Masks

Sen. Cardin on the FBI Vetting the National Guard: ‘No Specific Risk … But It Is the Right Thing to Do’

Jeremy Bash: The FBI Needs to Expand Its Surveillance of Trump Supporters

CNN: Trump To Issue Around 100 Pardons and Commutations

Frst Lady Melania Trump Releases Farewell Video

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Flashback: Media Pundits Saw Absolutely Nothing Wrong with Democrats Objecting to the 2004 Election Results

John Matze: We Can No Longer Access Parler Source Code, Proprietary Information, Amazon Inflicting Maximum Damage

Mark Levin: I Voluntarily Left Facebook and Twitter Over Censorship

Alan Dershowitz: You Can’t Put Citizen Trump on an Impeachment Trial

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: Flashback: James Rosen: DNC, Clinton Campaign Paid For Steele Dossier, December 7, 2017

Face The Nation: Adam Schiff Says Trump Should Not Get Intel Briefings Ever Again

CBS: United Kingdom Is World Leader On Covid-19 Vaccinations, India Leads Developing World

Former Facebook Security Chief Calls for Verizon, AT&T, Others to Deplatform OAN and Newsmax

Meet The Press: Study Shows Right-Wing Terrorists Perpetrated More Than Half Of All Plots In U.S.

Hogan Gidley: Nancy Pelosi Held Up Trillions For Months, Within Hours Came Up With Impeachment Charges

Rep. Darrell Issa: Three Separate Extremist Anarchist Groups Pre-Planned Capitol Attack

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Biden Recalls Conversation with Xi Jinping on Defining America: ‘In One Word — Possibilities’

Fox News: New Poll Shows Most Americans Fault Social Media For Motivation Of Political Wrongdoing

Michael Mukasey: Long Course Of Trump Behavior More Significant For Impeachment Than Insurrection

Omarosa on Ivanka’s Future in Politics: ‘Hard to Run from Prison’

Kellyanne Conway: ‘I Gave Up Millions of Dollars to Go into the White House’

Mike Huckabee: Kamala Harris Bailing Out BLM Protesters Last Summer Should Be an Impeachable Offense