Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Rudy Giuliani: Mail-In-Ballot Voter Fraud Must Be Met with Major Legal Challenge

Ted Cruz to Chris Cuomo: You Are Behaving Like You Are One of the Debaters Last Night

Carter Page Reveals He Sent Comey Letter September 25, 2016, Offering to Meet with Him About Russia ‘Scam’

Trump: Biden Will Turn Minnesota into a Refugee Camp

Joe Concha Gives In-Depth Debate Analysis: Trump Missed Opportunity to Talk About Killing ISIS Leader, Bailing Out Rioters in MN, Regulatory Reform, Border Control, Israel Peace Deal

Herschel Walker: When People Start Calling the President ‘A Racist,’ I’m Going to Get Involved

Alex Datig: Minnesota Freedom Fund One of Many Bail Fund ‘Charities’ Used by Democrats to Orchestrate Organized Criminal Chaos

Flashback: Trump: “Neo Nazis and White Nationalists should be condemned, totally.”

CNN Reporter Clarifies: The Proud Boys Are Not a White Supremacist Group

Schumer Quotes Shakespeare to Slam Trump’s Debate Performance: ‘A Tale Told by an Idiot Full of Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing’

Joe Biden Slams Trump over Debate: ‘It Was Just a National Embarrassment’

Comey Says the FBI Director Has No Responsibility, Before Signing a FISA Application, to Determine Whether the Allegations Are True

Sen. Hawley Destroys Comey: ‘Why Don’t You Regret Your Role in the Unprecedented Misleading?’

Comey on Telling Obama About the Russia Probe: ‘I Alerted Him to the Work’

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Undecided voter: If I had to vote tomorrow, I would vote for Trump

Leo Terrell: Biden Is Not A Friend to African-Americans, Did Not Explain Why Black Voter Should Vote for Him

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Biden Name Calling Telling President ‘Liar, Clown, Racist, Antifa is Idea’ Really Bothered Me

Dana Perino: ‘President Trump Came Very Prepared, He Had Some Great Lines’

Jake Tapper: I thought Biden was flat

CNN Suggests Biden Bail on Future Debates

Joe Biden: ‘Antifa Is an Idea, Not an Organization.'

Biden to Trump After Being Asked if He’ll Pack Courts: ‘Will You Shut up, Man?’

Joe Biden Can’t Name Support from Any Law Enforcement Group

Joe Biden Calls President of the United States ‘A Clown’ When Confronted on $3.5 Million Moscow Wire to Hunter Biden

Joe Biden Tells President of the United States to ‘Shush for a Moment’

Joe Biden Calls President of the United States ‘A Clown’

Brit Hume: Biden’s Senile Without Any Doubt But It Doesn’t Automatically Mean He’ll Have a Bad Night

Tucker Carlson: Team Biden Turns Down Team Trump Request of Third-Party 'Ear Search' to Check for Listening Devices

Pelosi Claims Photo of Her Pointing a Finger at Trump Was Actually Dissing Him for Putin Ties

Jewish Democratic Council of America Launches Anti-Trump Ad

Fox News: Sidney Powell Told Judge Sullivan in Status Conf., She Told Trump Not To Issue Pardon for Gen. Flynn

Brian Stelter: Fox News Probably Won’t Do a Fact Check After the Debate

Media: Seriously This Time, Trump’s Definitely Headed to Prison [Supercut]

Hannity on CBS Article Suggesting Judge Barrett Adopted Black Children as ‘Props’: ‘Wow’

Hannity: Tomorrow Is Theatre for Joe Biden; He’s Had the Entire Summer for Practice

The Evening Edit: Hundreds of Criminal Illegal Aliens, Released Back Into Community in Los Angeles County

Monday, September 28, 2020

Tucker on Dianne Feinstein Photo Not Wearing a Mask: We Can Be Certain that She’ll Say It’s Not Her Fault

John Kennedy: Judge Barrett’s Opponents Haven’t Called Her ‘Alien Lizard’ Yet, But Will Happen Before It’s Over

Tucker Carlson Exposes More Minnesota Freedom Fund Donors, After 'Bail Project' Billionaire Flakes Out On Tucker Again

EXCLUSIVE: Front Page Index: Non-Profit Charity Minnesota Freedom Fund Collected $35 Million in 20 Days to Bail Out Violent Criminals with Help from Kamala Harris Who Violated Campaign Ethics Rules

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Biden Urges Republican Senators To ‘Step Back From The Brink’ On Barrett Confirmation

Biden Urges Republican Senators To ‘Step Back From The Brink’ On Barrett Confirmation

Flashback: Ali Velshi Reporting in Front of Burning Building: ‘This Is Mostly a Protest’ and Generally Speaking ‘Not Unruly’, May 28, 2020

Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA): President Trump Is Holding Numerous Rallies While Biden Is Hiding

Pelosi: ‘I’m Hoping for a Deal’ on Another COVID Stimulus Bill

Leo Terrell: Biden and Pelosi are Catholics, But They Think Amy Coney Barrett Is a Wrong Catholic?

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: Devin Nunes: What Was $3.5 Million Wire Transfer to Hunter Biden From Wife of Former Moscow Mayor For?

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Fraternal Order of Police Endorses President Trump: ‘We Will Not Turn Our Back on You’

President Trump: Joe Biden’s Running Mate Urged Supporters To Donate to a Fund that Bailed Out an Attempted Cop Killer

Fox News: President Trump Officially Nominates Amy Coney Barrett for SCOTUS

Fox News: PA Sheriff Switches from Democratic to Republican Party Amid Unrest

Friday, September 25, 2020

The Ingraham Angle: Biden Pushes Mask Mandate as Police Crackdown

Ken Starr: What Mueller Team Put Country Through is Travesty If Not Crime

Bernard Kerik: Nobody Talks About Kamala Harris 'Intentionally' Getting People to Donate to Fund Bailing Out Rioters Involved in Arson and Murder

Tucker Carlson: “The Bail Project” Paid Out $26 Mil Bailing Out 12,000 People, Including Murderer, Violent Criminals

Tucker Carlson: Louisville Cop Assassin Lightly Charged with "Wanton Endangerment and Assault"

Trump: Joe Biden Surrendered His Party to the Flag Burners, the Rioters, the Anti-Police Radicals

Fox News: President Trump Intends to Nominate Amy Coney Barrett for SCOTUS

Portland Antifa Member: We’re Buying Bulletproof Vets Because We Might Need Them

President Trump: Five Decades Of Evidence Prove That Democrat Politicians Do NOT Care About The Black Community—They Only Care About Power For Themselves

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Trump: Joe Biden’s Anti-Police Crusade Must Stop

Tucker: The Affluent and Rich Fund Riots; America’s Core Problem Isn’t Race — It’s Economics

Kayleigh McEnany Slams CNN’s ‘Appalling Statement’ on Mob Justice

Taser Used On Un-Masked Mom At Her Kids Football Game

Source: Twitter

Leo Terrell: Organization Behind U-Haul with Pre-Staged Protest Gear, Organized Conspiracy to Create Chaos

Leo Terrell: Democrats Did Poorly with Blacks in 2016, Want to Play Race Card Till Day of Election

New York AG Letitia James Announces Trump Org Must Provide Financial Records

Fox News: L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva Calls Oversight Committee Calling for His Resignation ‘Political Hit Squad’

Chuck Schumer: Trump ‘Doesn’t Deserve To Be President’ Because of What He Said

Trump: Mob Violence is Not Justice, It’s Just Revenge

Officer Involved Breonna Taylor Shooting Death Could Face 1 to 5 Years in Prison

Supercut: Biden Insists There’s ‘Not One Single Scintilla of Evidence’ of Hunter Improprieties

Outnumbered: Rand Paul Referring Senate GOP Report on Hunter Biden to DOJ for Criminal Probe

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Tucker Carlson: Wealthy Corporations, Celebrities Funding American Society’s Destruction

Fox News: Two Police Officers Shot in Louisville

Video Shows Bystander Pointing at Louisville Officer Hit by Gunfire

Source: Twitter

Shots Fired at Police in Louisville Riots

Source: Twitter

Tucker: Mob Justice Has Become the Dems’ Platform, You Won’t Hear CNN Calling out Rioters Who Destroy Businesses

Fox News: Protests Erupt in Several U.S. Cities Over Breonna Taylor Decision

Devin Nunes: What Was $3.5 Million Wire Transfer to Hunter Biden From Wife of Former Moscow Mayor For?

Protesters Target Buildings and Businesses in Louisville, Ky.

Louisville Rioters’ Unpack U-Haul Truck Filled With Riot Gear in Louisville After Breonna Taylor Verdict

Ky. AG Says He Met with Breonna Taylor’s Family: ‘It Was a Hard Meeting’

Fox News: Officers Not Directly Charged in Breonna Taylor Death

McCarthy Threatens Motion to Oust Pelosi If She Moves Forward with Impeachment

Outnumbered: Senate GOP Report Shows Obama Officials Were Concerned About Hunter Biden Ukraine Dealings

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tucker: You Don’t Have the Right to Riot and Loot Just Because You Don’t Like a Court’s Decision

Lou Dobbs: GOP Senate Report on Joe Biden Conflicts of Interest Could Be Released within 24 Hours

The Evening Edit: Bombshell Report of Biden Conflicts of Interest Allegations to be Released by Senate GOP

Josh Hawley: District Attorneys ‘Purchased’ by George Soros, Refusing to Prosecute Rioters, Looters in Cities Where Crime is Exploding

Chad Pergram: Government Might Shutdown September 30 If No Deal on Spending Bill Reached

Trump: ‘We Must Hold Accountable the Nation Which Unleashed This Plague onto the World, China’

Trump Says He Will Announce His SCOTUS Decision on Saturday ‘out of Respect for Justice Ginsburg’

Lou Dobbs: Democrats Had No Problem Replacing Scalia in Obama ‘Lame Duck’ Year

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Evening Edit: Republicans Pushing Legislation Cracking Down Hard on Rioters Destroying Property, Defunding Police

Tucker Carlson: George Soros Spent More Than $13 Mil to Help Elect Radical DA's Soft on Crime

Leo Terrell on Joy Behar Saying the Black Community Has Her Back: It’s a ‘Joe Biden Statement’ That’s Insulting

Tucker: RBG’s Last Words Do Not Supersede the Constitution

RNC Runs Brutal Ad of Democrats Demanding SCOTUS Seat Be Filled

ICYMI: Front Page Index: Did Minnesota Freedom Fund Violate Its 501c3 Status by Lobbying a Political Candidate Campaigning on Bail Reform?

Benjamin Wittes: Dems Could ‘Shut Down the Government’ to Stop RBG Replacement

Fox News: Joe Biden Believes if He Wins Election Trump SCOTUS Nominee Should Be Withdrawn

Fox News: Trump List of SCOTUS Nominees Down to Five, Will Have 37 Days to Get Pick Through

Trump Says Another Impeachment Would Help Him in an Election: We Win All Elections If They Do That

‘Insulting to the People of NYC’: Bill de Blasio Bashes Trump Over DoJ Labeling Big Apple as ‘Anarchist’

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Trump: They’re Not Protests, They’re Riots and the Dems Don’t Complain About It

Tim Murtaugh: Conservatives Have Seen Activist Judges Making Laws from Bench for Decades, Are Tired of It

Joe Biden Says 200 Million People Could Die From Coronavirus by Time He Finishes Speech

Bill Gates Says U.S. Did ‘Poor Job’ on Covid, Blames Slow on Testing, China Travel Ban Exceeded Problems ‘Way it Was Executed’

Carl Rove: Won’t Be Possible to Bring SCOTUS Nomination to Floor for Full Vote With Just Over 44 Days Before Election

Jim Jordan: American People Don’t Like Being Threatened by Pelosi with Impeachment, Packing Court

Former F.B.I. Director James Comey to Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee September 30th

Nancy Pelosi on Impeaching President Trump To Stop a SCOTUS Confirmation: ‘We Have Our Options’

HHS Secretary Alex Azar: We’ve Seen An Almost 50% Decline in Cases and Hospitalizations

Tom Cotton: Biden Refuses To Mention Who Would He Nominate to SCOTUS

Herschel Walker: BLM are Trained Marxists, Do Not Believe in American Ways, Nuclear Family, Religion

Mayor of Los Angeles Blames ‘Good Economy’ for Homelessness

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: Leo Terrell Shames California Senator Kamala Harris For Not Visiting Wounded Sheriff Deputies

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Flashback: David Horowitz: Democrats Control Every Inner City, Responsible for Injustice, Killing Fields, Abject Poverty, July 18, 2020

Alex Datig: Minnesota Freedom Fund Raised $20 Million in Four Days, Now Has $35 Million But Only Raised $110,000 in 2018

Fox News: Obama Calls on Republicans to Wait After Inauguration to Fill SCOTUS Vacancy

Obama in 2016: ‘There’s No Unwritten Law’ that Says Filling Vacant SCOTUS Seats Can Only Be Done on Off-Years

CNN: Package Addressed to White House Containing Ricin Intercepted

Fox News: Manhunt Under Way After 14 Injured 2 Dead in Rochester Shooting

Fox News: White House Says It Will ‘Move in Trump Time’ on Supreme Court Vacancy

Ned Ryun: Republicans Have Constitutional Right to Nominate Federal Judges, Votes Are There to Nominate SCOTUS Before Election

Joe Biden: It’s Improper To Vote on a Replacement For Ginsburg Before Election

Joe Concha: CNN Throwing Beach-Balls, Not Soft-Balls at Biden Townhall, Was Fixed Fight

Friday, September 18, 2020

Sidney Powell: Different Rule Applies If Special Prosecutor, Democrat, Mueller Team Destroys Evidence of Investigation

Bernard Kerik: Federal Charges Against Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Responsible for Rioting, Arson, Violence, Only Way For Accountability

President Trump on Death of Justice Ginsburg: She Was An Amazing Woman Who Lead An Amazing Life

Source: C-SPAN

Fox News: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead At 87

President Trump: Joe Biden’s Anti Vaccine Theories Are Putting Lives at Risk

Trey Gowdy: Took 10,000 Arrests, $2 Billion in Property Damage and 2 Cops Fighting for Their Lives for Pelosi to See Political Disadvantage

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Geraldo Rivera: Bill Barr’s Absolutely Right, Black Lives Matter Doesn’t Care About Black Lives

Ben Shapiro: Why I’m Leaving California

Leo Terrell: BLM ‘Is a Game that Uses Black Lives Involved with Police Officers as a Tool To Manipulate the Public’

Trump: We Must Clear Away the Twisted Web of Lies and Teach Our Children the Magnificent Truth About Our Country

President Trump tells the story of Caesar Rodney, a patriot whose statue was destroyed by criminals

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Josh Hawley: The American People Are Getting Tired of How Big Tech Is Telling Them How To Think

Hannity: ‘Despacito’ Literally Means Breathing on Someone’s Neck Which Fits ‘Creepy Joe Biden’

Ben Shapiro: Not Shocking For Kamala Harris To Fund Bail of a Pedophile

New Gingrich: ‘Progressive District Attorneys’ Are Anti-Police, Pro-Criminal, Overwhelmingly Elected with Soros’ Money

CDC Director Redfield: Masks Are ‘More Guaranteed to Protect’ Against Coronavirus Than a Vaccine

Biden Claim: Another 215,000 Americans Will Die of Covid by November

Peter Strzok: History Will See Me as Patriot Defending America Against a Russian Attack on Our Elections

Bernard Kerik: If Police Departments Would Have Responded Adequately, Forcefully to Riots Across Country, We Would Not Be Having Problems

Mike Huckabee: The Election Is Not About Tweeting, It’s About How Trump Could Bring Two Arab Nations to the Table

President Trump Says “If You’re Going To Stop Crime, You Need To Respect The Police”

James Carville: Trump Is ‘Desperate,’ He’s Going to Lose and Go to Jail

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Rep. Chip Roy: Pelosi Holding America Back, Only Allowed 19 Days of Business in House Over Past Six Months

Laura Ingraham Blasts ABC News’ Trump Town Hall: The DNC May Have Well Put the Whole Thing On

Fox News: NYPD Bomb Squad Investigating Materials in Queens Found During Survey of Fire Damage

Leo Terrell Shames California Senator Kamala Harris For Not Visiting Wounded Sheriff Deputies

Ken Starr: Mueller Team Wiping 22 Phones Looks Intentional, Cries Out for Investigation

Lou Dobbs Tonight: DOJ Launchers Investigation into John Bolton Book Over Classified Material

Los Angeles County Sheriff Challenges LeBron James to Match Reward Leading to Suspect of LASD Deputies Assassination Attempt

President Trump: Joe Biden Is Mentally Lost, We Can’t Allow Him To Be President

Trump Says He Wanted to Take out Syria’s Assad But Mattis Opposed It

Jim Cramer Refers to Nancy Pelosi as “Crazy Nancy” to Her Face

Football Players Suspended from Team for Carrying Thin Blue, Thin Red Lines Flags at Game

Israel, Bahrain, UAE and USA Sign Historic Abraham Accord at White House

Monday, September 14, 2020

Video Shows Two Los Angeles Sheriff Deputies After Attempted Assassination