Monday, August 31, 2020

KCAL9: Large Crowd Gathers In South LA After LASD Deputies Shoot, Kill Black Man Who Allegedly ‘Produced A Handgun’

SROUCE/RELATED: Large Crowd Gathers In South LA After LASD Deputies Shoot, Kill Black Man Who Allegedly ‘Produced A Handgun’

Kimberly Klacik: 80% of Voters in My Primary were White Voters, You Need White Voters to Be Elected President

Trump: I Don’t Want My Supporters To Act Like Law Enforcement

Trump: BlackLivesMatter Is a Marxist Organization

President Trump Wants Law Enforcement To Take Care of Riots, Not Supporters

Los Angeles Police Union Leader: Strong Use-Of-Force Policies Result in Positive Outcomes

Leo Terrell: Trump Going to Get Highest Number of Black Votes for Republican in History

Trump to CNN Reporter on Whether He’ll Condemn Conservative Protesters: ‘Your Supporters ... Shot a Young Gentleman’

Rand Paul: I Haven’t Heard Joe Biden Rebuke His Base for What Happened to Us

President Trump Announces that AstraZeneca’s Vaccine Has Reached Phase 3 Clinical Trial

Oops He Does It Again! Has Joe Biden Ever Been Briefed On Coronavirus?

Chris Cuomo: Announcements of Covid Vaccine Is Not Science, It’s Political Science

Biden Stumbles While Attacking Trump: Covid ‘Has Taken More than 100 Year — Look the Lives — You Think About It’

Joe Biden: Do I ‘Look’ Like a Radical Socialist With a Soft Spot for Rioters?

Joe Biden Live Stream Interrupted by Glitch, Disconnect

Daytona Beach Police Officer Gun Battle with Suspect, August 29, 2020

SOURCE: Twitter

Kornacki: The Support for BLM Movement in Wisconsin Has Decreased from 61% in June to 48% in August

Kayleigh McEnany: We’ve Seen 90 Days of Violence from Left-Wing Anarchists

MSNBC: Appeals Court Denies Michael Flynn’s Motion to Force Dismissal of Case

Andrew McCabe Ridicules Rod Rosenstein’s ‘Revisionist History’ on Russian Probe: ‘It’s Preposterous’

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Tammy Bruce: Wisconsin Governor Discouraging Trump Visit Admission He Lost Control Of His City

Don Jr.: I Don’t Want to ‘California’ My America

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Attacks Trump: ‘It’s You’ Who Created Hate and Division with Campaign of Fear

Matthew Whitaker: Leftist Politicians Stoking the Flames of Violence by Saying What They See

Fox News: Ballots Available to Voters in 28 States, Prior to First September 29th Presidential Debate

Joe Concha: Despite the DNC Having Hollywood on Its Side, the RNC Outperformed Them Production-Wise

Bernard Kerik: Violent Crime on the Rise, Criminals, Thugs Emboldened by Politicians, Leaders Not Putting Resources Where Needed

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Confronts Joe Biden Spokesperson Kate Bedingfield On Biden’s Insistence On Shutting Down The Economy Despite No Leading Scientists Advocating For It

Fox News: Man Shot Dead on Saturday Night in Portland During Protests, Over 90 Arrested

Herschel Walker on RNC Convention Speech: ‘I Spoke Out Because I Wanted People To Know the Truth’

Chad Wolf: We’ve Been Asking Portland To Do their Job for Over Three Months Now

Leo Terrell on Violent Protesters: ‘Joe Biden Has Made a Deal with This Extremist Group’

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: He just wanted to see the RNC fireworks

Saturday, August 29, 2020

One Person Shot, Killed as President Trump Supporters and Black Lives Matter Protesters Clash

BLM Speaker Encourages Violence in D.C.: ‘I’m Ready To Put These Police in the F***ing Grave’

Fox News: 800,000 Without Power After Hurricane Laura Hits Gulf Coast

Flashback: Kamala Harris: Comey Firing Memo ‘Was Written by Somebody More Concerned with PR than Justice’, May 11, 2017

Mark Smith: Actual Fear in Streets if You Stand Up for America or Donald Trump

Joe Concha: Biden Campaign ‘Saw No Bounce in Polling’ Following the DNC

President Trump Arrives in Lake Charles, Louisiana

Friday, August 28, 2020

Tucker: ‘For the First Time Since the Wuhan Coronavirus Arrived Here, the President Seems Likely To Win Reelection’

Bernard Kerik: Guests Leaving White House After RNC Harassed, Taunted, Threatened, Spit at, Not Enough Cops to Deal With It

Pence: The DNC Seemed More Like a Zoom HR Meeting, the RNC Was a Celebration of American Greatness

Rand Paul on Being Attacked by a Mob Outside the WH: I Believe Those Were ‘Paid To Be Anarchists’

Kamala Harris: Riots Not Going to Stop, Ever, Everyone Beware

Fox News: Thousands Gather in Washington D.C. for 'Get Your Knee Off Our Necks' March on Anniversary of Martin Luther King Speech

Rudy Giuliani: ‘Democrats Have Become the Anti-Police Party’

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Massive Display of Fireworks Cap the 2020 RNC Convention

Trump: We Will Not Appoint Prosecutors, Judges, Justices With Their Own Political Agenda, Which Is Illegal

Trump: Remember They Spied On My Campaign And Got Caught, Let’s See What Happens

Trump: 47 Years Biden Took Donations from Blue-Collar Workers, then Voted to Send Jobs to China

Trump: How Can Democratic Party Lead Our Country When They Spend So Much Time Tearing It Down?

C-SPAN: President Trump Accepts Republican Nomination at 2020 RNC

New York Police Union Boss Pat Lynch: Democratic Politicians Surrendered Streets and Institutions, Walked Away From Police Officers, Innocent People

Protesters Outside W.H. with Trump Effigy in a Guillotine

Rudy Giuliani: Awesome Job of Restoring Safety to Our People Cannot Be Done From Your Basement

Ann Dorn: David’s Grandson Didn’t Know He was Watching the Execution of His Grandfather on Facebook Live Stream

Dean Cain: If Melania Trump Was a Democrat, Hollywood Would Celebrate Her

Joe Concha: The Biden Campaign Doesn’t Seem to Have Much Confidence in Joe Biden

Leo Terrell: Tim Scott Stopped 18 Times, Not Every Black Man Feels Like They Are Being Chased by Police

President Trump: I Respect the Wisc. Governor for Asking for Protection

Flashback: OAN: Joe Biden Listed As Criminal Suspect By Ukrainian Court, August 7, 2020

RELATED: Ukraine judge orders Joe Biden be listed as alleged perpetrator of crime in prosecutor’s firing

Marc Short: President Trump has been a champion of blue collar workers after Democrats “left them behind”

Kamala Harris: A Black Person in America Has Never Been Treated as Fully Human

Joe Biden on Pelosi’s Call to Cancel Presidential Debates: ‘No... I Am Going to Debate Him’

Pelosi on Presidential Debates:: ‘I Don’t Think There Should Be Any Debates’

CNN Reporter Describes Hurricane Laura: I Felt Like My Hotel Was Going to Fly Away

Kayleigh McEnany: “He told me, ‘I want women to know that they’re cared for and protected’... that’s who this president is.”

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mike Pence: Hard Truth is You Will Not Be Safe in Joe Biden’s America

Pence: I Accept the Nomination To Run and Serve as the Vice-President of the United States

Disabled Americans Stand up During the National Anthem

Lara Trump: We’ve Seen Weak Politicians Cede Control of Our Cities to Violent Mobs

Richard Grenell: Why Didn’t Joe Biden Try Any of His New Ideas over the Last 48 Years?

Rep. Dan Crenshaw: Heroism Is Self-Sacrifice Not Moralizing and Lecturing over Others When They Disagree

Tucker: Reports Now Say George Floyd Could Have Died of Fentanyl Overdose If He Was Left By Himself

Kellyanne Conway: History Books Will Remember Donald Trump as Someone Who Embraces Women Empowerment

Fox News: Kennedy Slams Bette Midler Melania Insults 'Didn't Know' Midler Has 'Xenophobia Beneath Her Wings'

Kentucky AG: We Have to Have Law and Order in This Country, Defunding the Police Is Not the Answer

Rob Smith on BLM Activists Demanding Diners Raise Fists in Support: ‘A Bunch of Spoiled White Leftists’

Huckabee on Trump Pardoning Jon Ponder: ‘A Story Like This Ought to Bring a Tear to Your Eye’

Jon Ponder Lauds Trump for Encouraging Ex-Cons After Receiving Full Pardon at RNC

Jacob Blake’s Mother: I Am Disgusted at the Rioting and Looting in My Son’s Name

EXTREMELY GRAPHIC: Man’s Upper Arm Nearly Shot Off During Confrontation with Gunman in Kenosha

Source: Twitter

GRAPHIC: Kenosha Rioter Hit in Head by Gunfire

Source: Twitter

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Trump to Newly Naturalized American Citizens: You Have Earned the Most Prized Treasure in the World

Kentucky AG Cameron to Biden: You Can’t Tell Me How To Vote Because of the Color of My Skin

Melania Trump: President Trump Doesn’t Waste Time Playing Politics

Melania Trump: I Ask We All Commit to Helping in Our Fight Against Drug Addiction and Talk About it Even More

Nick Sandmann: The Truth Is Not Important for the Mainstream Media, All that Matters Is the Anti-Trump Narrative

Ben Carson: Who’s Going to Start a Business in a Place that’s Going be Burned Down by Rioters

Pam Bondi: ‘C’mon Joe,’ Talk to the Folks in Middle America Who Lost Countless Jobs to China While Your Son Is Getting Rich with Them

RNC’s Opening Prayer Includes Recovery of Jacob Blake

Kim Klacik: Democrats Have Run Cities Like Baltimore into the Ground

Joe Concha: RNC Night 1 Had Five and a Half Times the Number of Viewers Compared to the DNC

Denver Officials, Democrat Mayor, Denounce BLM Riots, Violence Against Police, Making Room in Jails Suspending COVID-19 Inmate Cap

Source: Facebook

New York AG Letitia James Laughs About Suing President Trump in Newly Surfaced Video

Fresno Police Chief: Shootings Up More Than 90 Percent Since Zero Bail in Effect

Monday, August 24, 2020

Freed American Hostage to Trump: You Took Me out from Iran in Record Time

Bernard Kerik: Let Jacob Blake Investigation by Kenosha Police, State, FBI Civil Rights Division Take Place

Tim Scott: Our Family Came From Cotton to Congress in One Lifetime

Don Jr.: Biden Put Political Correctness Ahead of the Safety of the American People

Steve Scalise: Donald Trump Was with Me During My Darkest Hours

Guilfoyle: Don’t Let the Dems Destroy Your Future

Herschel Walker: If You Love America and Want To Make It Better, Donald Trump is Your President

Ronna McDaniel: Unlike Eva Longoria, I Am a Real Housewife and a Mom

‘Lives Matter’ Host: Sad that Kenosha’s Elected Officials Are Siding with Anarchists Burning Local Businesses

Chris Wallace Breaks Down Current Electoral Map: ‘This Race Is Absolutely Up for Grabs’

Black Lives Matter Torches Car Dealerships in Kenosha that Supports BLM

Source: Twitter

Nancy Pelosi Labels Republicans ‘Domestic Enemies ... Enemies of the State’

Woman Attending Mass in Philly Gets Punched For Not Wearing a Mask

Source: Twitter

Bill Hemmer Reports: President Trump Speaks After Accepting Republican Nomination

Fox News: Kellyanne Conway Leaving White House, Stepping Down to Focus on Family

Fox News: Supreme Court Overturns Death Sentence of Scott Peterson

Trump: This Is the Most Important Election in the History of Our Country

Pence: 4 More Years Means More Jobs, More Judges, More Support for Our Troops and Cops

Trump After Chants of ‘Four More Years’: ‘If You Really Want to Drive Them Crazy Say 12 More Years’

The Mo Kelly Show KFI640AM: Alex Datig Supports President Trump Because Democrats Have Mismanaged U.S. Cities Leaving Many Homeless

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Kenosha Police Shoot Black Man in the Back Seven Times

Source: Twitter

Kamala Harris Avoids Answering If She’d Like To See More Police on the Street

Trump: China Had the Worst Year They’ve Had in 67 Years

Frank Luntz Says Recent Polling Trends Have ‘Definitely’ Been ‘In Donald Trump’s Favor’

Crowd Gathers in New York Calling for Mayor de Blasio to be Recalled to Step Down

House of Representatives Leaves Out ‘God’ in Pledge of Allegiance

Face the Nation: Host Slams Comey for FBI Not Doing More Knowing Russian Hackers Had Access to DNC Servers

When Pressed On Joe Biden’s Economic Plan, Eric Garcetti Says It Is The “Most Progressive Plan In Our Lifetime”

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: Grenell: President Trump Is America’s Most Pro-Gay President; Biden Called Gay People a ‘Security Risk’

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bernard Kerik, Behind The Badge: Kamala Harris No Where To Be Found on President Trump Criminal Justice Reform, Not Involved In First Step Act

Front Page Index: Sleepy Joe & Kamala Harris' Anti-Public Safety Agenda Long in the Making

Flashback: Tulsi Gabbard Slams Kamala Harris for Blocking Evidence of Man on Death Row, Keeping People in Prison Beyond Sentence for Free Labor, July 31, 2019

Biden to ABC’s David Muir: ‘I Would Shut Country Down’ To Prevent Spread of COVID-19 If Scientists Recommended

NYPD Officer: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Would ‘Absolutely Not’ Support Police Officers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Joe Concha: Biden 2020 Acceptance Speech Viewed by 21.8 Million, 21% Lower than Hillary, 40% Lower than Trump 2016, Shortest Since 1984

Hannity: DNC Ignores Violence Plaguing Major Cities as Law and Order Emerges as 2020 Campaign Issue

Fox News: Brennan Interviewed for 8 Hours by Durham Told ‘You’re Not Target of a Criminal Investigation’

Bernard Kerik: Biden, Harris Wouldn’t Condemn Anarchist Violence at DNC, Vote for Biden Means More of the Same

Truck Driving Around Wilmington Delaware with ‘Antifa for Biden’ Sign

Trump: I Am the Only Thing Standing Between the American Dream and Total Anarchy

Trump on DNC Leaving ‘God’ out of the Pledge of Allegiance: ‘That’s Where They’re Coming From’

Governor Gavin Newsom: There Has Not Been One Phone Call I’ve Made To The President Where He Hasn’t Quickly Responded

Bill Hemmer Reports: Lori Loughlin Gets 2 Months in Prison, Husband 5 Months in College Admissions Scam

New Yorkers Marching Street Chanting ‘De Blasio...F**k You!’

Kellyanne Conway: President Trump Will Not Touch Social Security and Medicare

Trump: ‘Where Joe Biden Sees American Darkness, I See American Greatness’

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Trump: Joe Biden Hasn’t Answered a Question Since Mid July, Something Is Going On with Him

Biden: I Hear the Voice of the Protesters

Trump Economy Is The Best Economy For America

ICYMI: Front Page Index: Joe Biden VP Pick Kamala Harris EXPOSED!

Fox News: Steve Bannon Pleads Not Guilty on Fraud Charges in Virtual Court Appearance

Marc Short on the DNC Convention: It Was a Very Dark View of America

Trump Campaign Hits Biden on China in a New Ad: With Joe Biden, China Is in Charge

NJ Voters React to the DNC: ‘They’re Not Impressive, They Haven’t Done Anything in 44 Years’

Kayleigh McEnany: ‘President Obama Failed This Country’

Fox News: Trump Ordered to Turn Over Eight Years of Personal and Business Tax Records to New York District Attorney in Criminal Probe

Trump on Steve Bannon: ‘I Know Nothing About the Project’ But ‘It’s a Very Sad Thing for Mr. Bannon’

Fox News: Trump Slams Goodyear Over MAGA Hat Boycott, BLM Hats Ok, Stocks Drops 5%

Fox News: Steve Bannon Arrested Over Online Border Wall Fundraising Scheme Raising $25 Million

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Kevin McCarthy: Democrats Haven’t Solved One Problem Since Taking House Majority

Kamala Harris Accepts Nomination for Vice-President of the United States

Lara Trump: Everyone Knows Joe Biden Can’t Help America