Thursday, April 30, 2020

Fox News: Biden Campaign Team Works to Fight Sexual Assault Allegation

Trump Says He’s Seen Evidence Suggesting Coronavirus Emerged from Wuhan Lab, Compares WHO to PR Agency

Tucker: W.H.O. Now Favoring Sweden as Model for World Combatting COVID-19

Anderson Cooper Announces the Birth of His Son

Lou Dobbs Tonight: New Court Documents Show F.B.I. Tried to Entrap Michael Flynn and Succeeded

Bret Baier: The FBI Wrote Down ‘Are We Getting Him To Lie So We Can Get Him Fired?,’ What Wasn’t Written Down?

CBS Evening News: 35 States Relax Restrictions as Orders Expire by Friday

President Trump: No Effort Will Be Spared to Give America’s Seniors the Love and Care They Deserve

Trump: Michael Flynn Should be Exonerated, I Would Consider Bringing Him Back

Bill Hemmer Reports: 30 Million Americans have Filed for Unemployment

Pelosi: ‘I Myself Cannot Understand’ Why Illegal Immigrants Can’t Receive COVID-19 Stimulus Payments

Mitch McConnell: Flynn Documents Could ‘Warrant’ Additional Charges Against the FBI Leadership

Gregg Jarrett on FBI Coercing Flynn: ‘Most Unethical, Dishonest and Corrupt Act’ I’ve Seen, ‘Deprived’ Him of Constitutional Rights

Pelosi Defends Biden on Sexual Assault Allegations: ‘He’s a Person of Great Values’

Pompeo: W.H.O. Leader Traveled to China and Declined to Declare Pandemic Until World Knew

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tucker: NYC Subway System a Moving Homeless Encampment

Hannity: Most Explosive Evidence Yet F.B.I. Aimed to Set Up Michael Flynn

Tucker: ‘Shocking’ That FBI Set Up Michael Flynn

Don Lemon: CDC Finds 80% of COVID-19 Hospitalizations in Georgia were African-American

CNN’s Cuomo in Trump’s Voice Tells L.A.’s Mayor Garcetti that He’s ‘Wasting Money’ on Free Testing

Dem Rep. on Trump Saying Dems ‘Are Enjoying Their Vacation’: I Am Working Harder than Ever

Bill de Blasio: Unapologetically, the Next Gathering Will Be Met By Summonses and Arrest, No More Warnings

Dr. Fauci: ‘We’re Not Ready’ for Sports to Return this Year

Anthony Fauci: Remdesivir Has a Significant Effect on Diminishing Recovery Time

Fox News: Former GOP Chair Blasts Newsom’s Broad Stay-At-Home Order: California Too Big for ‘One Man to try to Control’

Fox 11 LA: Dr. Erickson Pressed on Findings About Flu & Coronavirus

Jim Jordan: ‘Sure Looks Like’ that the FBI Sat on Evidence that Would Have Exonerated General Flynn

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tucker: ER Doctors Questioning Corona Silenced by Big Tech, YouTube says 'Dissent Banned'

Judge Jeanine: Hillary Clinton Is ‘a Standard-Bearer of Sexual Predators’

Brit Hume Explains Why the Case for National Lockdown Is Getting ‘Weaker and Weaker’

Rep. Matt Gaetz to Introduce Bill that Would Immediately Deport All Illegal Immigrants in Detention

Fox News: Gov. Newsom Says California Schools Can Re-Open as Early as July

Hillary Clinton Endorses Joe Biden for President

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Says the SBA Will Audit All PPP Loans Over $2 Million

Rubio: One Way to Hold China Accountable Is by Moving Production from China Back to the U.S.

Clinton Blames Her Loss on White Women Listening to Their Husbands

ABC’s Will Reeve Caught Without Pants Live on GMA

Trump: No Matter What You Do, Press Will Say ‘You Should Have Tested 325 Million People, 37 Times’

RT: W.H.O. Director Warns Western Europe About Optimism, New Upward Trend in Africa, Eastern Europe and Asian Nations

Monday, April 27, 2020

Matt Gaetz: Biden Isn’t Operating with a ‘Full Sack of Marbles,’ Trump Will Bring Back the Economy

Lindsey Graham: ‘Don’t Give China a Pass’

Joe Biden Repeats Debunked Lie That Pres. Trump Owes Millions of Dollars to the Bank of China

Tucker: Politicians Who Couldn’t Pass 9th Grade Biology Are Deciding How Doctors and Hospitals Should Operate

Fox Business: Reporter asks Trump ‘Should President Who Loses More than Vietnam War in Six Weeks be Re-Elected’

Bartiromo to De Blasio: Are You Using the Virus To Take Us into Socialism?

Maria Bartiromo: Sources Say General Flynn Will Be Completely Exonerated This Week

Nancy Pelosi Endorses Joe Biden for President

Fox News: White House wants to Test 2% of U.S. Population, 2% per State

Cuomo: We Have To Be Smart, If You Are Not Smart, You Will See Infection Rate Go Back to Where It Was

WHO Director General on Coronavirus: ‘World Should Have Listened to WHO … Carefully’

Kayleigh McEnany: ‘Absolutely’ Trump Supports a 4th Round of Coronavirus Relief

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Griff Jenkins: Executive Branch has No Constitutional Authority to Postpone the Election

Molly Hemingway: Media Clorox Response Like Radiation Killing Cancer with People Sticking Heads in Microwave

Pelosi Tells CNN’s Tapper To ‘Just Calm Down’ When Asked If She and Schumer Made a ‘Tactical Mistake’ on PPP

Wallace: U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Tops 53,000 in Just Two Months, Close to the Number of Americans Killed in Vietnam War

Dr. Tom Inglesby: We ‘May Be Near the End of the Beginning of This Pandemic in This Country’

Nunes: ‘We Are Getting Lapped By the Chinese Over and Over’ Again When It Comes to 5G

ABC 23: Kern County, CA ER Physician Drops Multiple COVID-19 Bombshells 'Dr. Fauci hasn't seen Patient in 20 Years'

Source: YouTube

Otserholm: We’re Missing the Mark in a Big Way When it Comes to Testing

Mnuchin: Companies Like Ruth’s Chris Are Paying the Money from the PPP Back

Mnuchin: The Economy Will ‘Really Bounce Back in July, August, September’

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: The Ingraham Angle: W.H.O. Chief has No Medical Degree but Served as Marxist Revolutionary

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Gov. Cuomo on Decline of Hospitalizations in New York State: ‘We Are Back Where We Were 21 Days Ago’

CNN: Biden Accuser’s Mother Caller on Larry King Discussing Reporting of Daughter’s ‘Problems with Senator’ in 1993

Fox News: CDC Triples Numbers of Coronavirus Symptoms

Schiff Suggests ‘50,000 Americans Now Are Dead’ Because Trump Wasn’t Impeached

Tucker: Hydroxychloroquine Became the ‘Medical Equivalent of Vladimir Putin’ for the Media

Lou Dobbs: Christopher Steele Source Transcripts 'Wiped Clean' According to Latest Deposition

Friday, April 24, 2020

ZDF Media Germany shows Apple and Google Mobilization Tracking Data with Assigned IDs

Source: ZDF News Media, Germany

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on ‘Fox News at Night with Shannon Bream’ To Discuss CA Sued Over $75 Million Relief Plan for Illegal Immigrants

Larry Kudlow Admits he Snuck Haircut to 'Look Good' on Ingraham Angle

Ingraham Angle: Georgia Barber Shop Owner Rips Al Sharpton for Re-Opening Criticism

Fmr. Stanford Chief of Neuroradiology: ‘Stop the Panic and Total Isolation’

Peter King: ‘Total Lie’ By McConnell That States Are Looking at Coronavirus Relief To Bail Out Pensions

Dr. Mark Siegel: Study Says Coronavirus Not Sexually Transmitted

Trump: $30B of the PPP Fund Will Be Reserved for Small Banks That Serve Minorities and Distressed Communities

Pence: ‘As of This Morning, 5.1 Million Americans Have Been Tested for the Coronavirus’

Fox News: Californians File Class Action Lawsuit Against Amazon for Price-Gouging

Cruz: ‘We Have Spent More than Enough Money, We Cannot Spend Our Way out’ of Coronavirus

Meghan McCain: ‘I Don’t Understand Why People on Planet Earth Are So Threatened by Strong Women’

Varney: ‘We Have a Much More Positive Tone’ About the Economy and the Market

Mark Morgan: Gavin Newsom’s Plan to Give Money to Illegals Is ‘Going to Cost Lives, Not Save Lives’

Thursday, April 23, 2020

L.A. Mayor Excuses Homeless Leaving Hotel After Testing Positive for COVID-19

Brad Parscale on Joe Biden: The Media Has Given Joe Biden a Pass, He Is a Gaffe Machine

DHS Phil Bryan: Solar Light, Higher Temps, Humidity has Powerful Effect on Virus

McCarthy: ‘To Those 4.4 Million Americans that Were Laid Off, Congress Owes You an Apology ... Shame on This Body’

Cavuto: 26.5 Million Jobs Lost in Last 5 Weeks, Erasing 23 Million Jobs Added in Past 10 Years

Gov. Newsom: Debt Collectors Are Now Prohibited from Collecting from Coronavirus Stimulus Checks (Retroactive)

MSNBC: Elizabeth Warren’s Oldest Brother Dies from COVID-19

Judge Nap: ‘We Have Relinquished a Lot of Civil Liberties’

ABC News: As Many as 54 Million Americans Could Go Hungry Due to COVID-19

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mike Pompeo: Chinese Government has Not Allowed American Scientists to Investigate Origin of Virus

Gov. DeSantis: It’s Not Healthy for People To Just Stay Inside Eating Cheetos and Watching Netflix

Tucker: L.A. Mayor Tells Citizens: Obey or be "Hunted"

Dr. Fauci: Mitigation Program of Physical Distancing Worked, We Can Now Think Seriously About Re-Opening America

Fox News: President Trump Says He Disagrees with Gov. Kemp’s Decision to Re-Open Georgia Businesses

Dr. Fauci: We Will Have Coronavirus in the Fall, there is Danger of Rebound

Los Angeles Residents Protest Outside City Hall

McConnell: Before We Provide Additional Assistance to State and Local Gov’ts We Will Weigh Impact of Relief on Debt

Chaffetz: AG Barr Is ‘Absolutely Right’ Warning States About Infringing on the Right to Assemble

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tucker: Americans Should Not be Undercut by Foreign Nationals as They Look for Jobs

Gianno Caldwell: Uptick of COVID-19 Cases in Los Angeles Skid Row Area

Sheriff John McMahon: New California Mandate Forced Release of Repeat Felony Child Abuse Suspect

Harmeet Dhillon: California State Constitution Barrs Illegal Aliens from Getting Cash Handouts

Fox News’ MacCallum Presses Georgia Gov on Reopening Plans: ‘I Hope That You Are Making the Right Decision’

Dr. Birx: The U.S. Has One of the Lowest Coronavirus Mortality Rates in the World

Trump on Halting Immigration: ‘We Want To Protect Our U.S. Workers’

Larry Kudlow: Senate Could Pass $480 Billion COVID-19 Relief Bill Today

Hannity’s Timeline of the Media's Reckless Coronavirus Behavior

Senator Van Hollen: Rent Payment ‘Assistance’ Will Likely Be Part of 4th Coronavirus Stimulus Package

Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman: We’re Ready to Get Back in Business

Kevin McCarthy: Pelosi Gave Interview with Her Ice Cream and Refrigerator While Thousands Are Laid Off

Jack Keane: Kim Jong Un Missing ‘Key Holiday’ Is ‘Significant,’ ‘There’s Something Really Going On’

Joe Biden Says Hospitals Are Running out of ‘N-96 Masks’

Nancy Pelosi Admits to Hold-up of PPP Funding

NYT Donald McNeil: 300 Million People in U.S. still Vulnerable to Virus, Running Out into Open Not Safe

Rachel Maddow: Ohio State Correctional Institution Reporting Largest Known Outbreak in U.S.

Fox News: China Trying to Capitalize on Purchasing U.S. Biotech Firms, Distressed Assets in Greece, Italy

Monday, April 20, 2020

Melissa Frances Texts NYC Homelessness, Healthcare Worker Crisis on Subway to de Blasio ‘Snitch Line’

The Ingraham Angle: Trump to Sign Executive Order to Suspend Immigration to the U.S.

Source: President Donald J. Trump Twitter

Trump: Because of Record-Low Oil Price, America Will Be Adding 75 Million Barrels to Our Strategic Reserves

Northern Virginia Wineries and Vineyards Are Seeing Severe Economic Impacts of the Pandemic

Related: AP: 4/20 uncertainty: Marijuana industry tested in virus crisis

President Trump: ‘It’s Critical to Continue the Medical War While Reopening the Economy in a Safe and Responsible Fashion’

Pence: We Have Enough Tests for Every State To Get to Phase One If They Meet All Criteria

Andrew Cuomo: The President Is Right that Testing Is up to the States

Tom Cotton on Coronavirus: ‘All the Circumstantial Evidence [Is] Pointing at the Labs in Wuhan’

Gillian Turner: Seven Federal Civil Lawsuits Launched Targeting China for Trillions in Reparations

ABC’s Stephanopoulos Urges Zuckerberg To Crack Down on Protest Organizers, Label Them ‘Harmful Misinformation’

GMA: Fauci Lashes Out at Protests "It's Going to Backfire"

Stephanopoulos to Fauci: We're Only Testing 150,000 per Day, Should Be 5-20 Million to Re-Open by Summer

Related: CNN: US coronavirus death toll tops 40,000 as researchers call for more testing before reopening economy

Kevin McCarthy: Nancy Pelosi Held Up Small Business Money for the Last 2 Weeks

Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Protests: Americans Want Out-of-Touch Politicians Like Pelosi to Pay Attention

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tammy Bruce: Trump Is So Powerful, He Got the Dems to Believe in Federalism

Molly Hemingway: Media Seems to Have Shared Bias Country Must be Shut Down for Very Long Time

Mnuchin: ‘Unprecedented’ PPP Is Saving Small Business, Congress Close to a Deal To Add $300 Billion

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Calls out Nancy Pelosi for Promoting Tourism During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Trump: Economies of G7 Countries in Tatters, Shattered

Gov. Cuomo: Total Hospitalizations Down, All Indications show We Are on a Descent

America’s News HQ: CDC Admits Contamination at CDC Lab Caused COVID-19 Testing Delays

Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Video in Support of President's Actions to Protect the Country from COVID-19

Source: Donald Trump Jr. Twitter

Gov. Inslee: Trump Is Encouraging ‘Insubordination’ and ‘Illegal Activity’ by Backing Protests

VP Mike Pence On What The U.S. Will Do To Hold China Accountable For The Coronavirus

Pelosi. ‘I Don’t Know Who’s Saying’ that ‘It’s Important to Pass PPP Funding Right Now’

MSNBC Guest on Protesters: These Folks Are the “FOX News Nazi Confederate Death Cult Rump’ of GOP

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: Pam Bondi: Gov. Newsom Can’t Use Federal or State Tax Dollars to Aid Illegals, Funds Must be Philanthropic

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Fox News: Disability Advocates File Federal Complaint Against States Discriminating Against People with Special Needs

Fox News: NYPD Announced 28th Member Dies of COVID-19, NYMTA Reporting 68 Deaths

Gordon Chang: The WHO Has Been in China’s Pocket from the Get-Go

Fox News: 6 States Protest to Re-Open Economy

Tucker Carlson: Creepy Porn Lawyer, Michael Cohen, Rapists Let Out of Jail, but not Roger Stone

Tucker Carlson: ‘Gretchen Whitmer Is a Ghoul’, "immobility kills people"

Friday, April 17, 2020

Hannity: Biden Continues Never Ending Disastrous Interviews, ‘70 is not the new 30’

Austin Goolsbee: Banks gave SBA Loans to Customers Who Needed them the Least

Fox News: U.S. Officials Confirm Full-Scale Investigation of Whether Coronavirus Escaped From Wuhan Lab

Trump: ‘We Will Be Implementing a $19 Billion Relief Program for Our Great Farmers as They Cope with Coronavirus’

Trump on the Obama Administration’s $3.7 Million Grant to China Lab That the Virus May Have Come From

Former CDC Director: We Need a ‘New Normal’

Heritage’s Dean Cheng: Impossible to Believe China Telling the Truth About Outbreak

Fox News: China Raises Death Toll in Wuhan by 50% Overnight

FOX & Friends First: Trump Implements 60-Day Suspension of U.S. Contributions to W.H.O.

DailyMailTV: Experiences System Crash As 80 Million Await Stimulus Payments

Trace Gallagher: Public Health Departments Release Ages of 18,000 COVID-19 Deaths

CBSN: Gov. Cuomo Extends Stay-At-Home Order for 30 More Days, Says Half Million Tested Not Enough

Thursday, April 16, 2020

CBSN: Trump Unveils Guidelines to Re-Open the Country in Several Phases

Def. Secretary Says He Has a Hard Time Believing Anything that Comes out of the Chinese Government

Fox News: Michael Cohen Released from Prison Early Due to COVID-19 Risk

CNN’s Cuomo: I Think Coronavirus Has Been in the U.S. Since October

Tucker Carlson Tonight: Jeff Sessions Calls for Moratorium on Employment-Based Immigration

Trump Says Nationwide, More Than 850 Counties or Nearly 30% of Our Country Have Reported No New Cases in the Last Seven Days