Saturday, November 30, 2019

Cavuto Coast to Coast: Mike Sorrentino Talks About Overcoming His Battle with Addiction

Cavuto Coast to Coast: White House Christmas Tree Arrives

CNN: London Knife Attack Terror Suspect Was Convicted Terrorist in 2012, Released Early From Prison

FOX News: Joe Biden Aims to Boost Support in Iowa with ‘No Malarkey’ Bus Tour

Gregg Jarrett: Democrats To Hold New Impeachment Hearings Next Wednesday While President is at NATO Summit

Graham Ledger: L.A. Is Becoming A Pigsty Where You Can't Even Walk Down The Sidewalk!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Tucker Carlson Tonight: Johann Hari Speaks About Connection Between Depression and Its Causes

Mark Steyn: Kamala Harris Not the Only Candidate Whose Campaign is Circling the Drain

FOX and Friends: Shining A Light on Men's Health This 'Movember'

CNN: British PM Skips Climate Debate, Replaced by Ice Sculpture

FOX & Friends: Cory Booker Super PAC Shuts Down After Supporting Booker

FOX & Friends: Deadly Zoo Fire Kills Giraffes, Wild Hogs and Antelopes in Ohio

CBS This Morning: Black Friday Expected To Bring in $7 Billion, Cyber Monday $9.5 Billion

FOX News: Trump Administration Shelling Out Billions to Farmers Hit by China Trade War

CNN: Man Detained After Multiple Stabbing Near London Bridge

President Trump Serves Thanksgiving Meals to Troops in Afghanistan

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Daily Caller: ‘Please President Trump Help Us In Los Angeles’: California Resident Speaks Out About Homelessness Crisis

Trump Makes Surprise Thanksgiving Visit to U.S. Troops in Afghanistan

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tucker: Dems Are More Threatened When Trump Tells the Truth, He Only Lies Because He’s a Salesman

CNN Panel Discusses Trump Campaign Digital Strategy: ‘They Know What They’re Doing’

Tomi Lahren Slams ‘Despicable’ Booing for Melania Trump: ‘Young People Need to Learn a Lesson In This Country’

CNN: Rudy Giuliani Privately Pursued Contracts with Ukrainian Officials

Gingrich: ‘Desperate’ Nadler Will Finally Get to Shine in Impeachment Hearings

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Devin Nunes: Fusion GPS Founders’ Book Explains That They Are All Behind Smearing My Name

Tucker Carlson: California Inequality Bad as Congo, Leads Nation in Poverty and Homelessness

Trump: Our Poll Numbers Are Through the Roof Because People Do Not Like Watching a Scam

President Trump: Pardoned Thanksgiving Turkeys Already Subpoenaed to Appear in Adam Schiff's Basement

Ousted Navy Secretary Richard Spencer Defends Handling of SEAL Case: Restoring Gallagher ‘Erodes’ What We Stand For

Bernie Will Raise Taxes on Anyone Making Over $29,000 to Fund Government Health Care Takeover

Turning Point USA Spokesperson: We’re Not ‘Serving Any Zoo Animals’ for Thanksgiving Like ‘Socialist Venezuela’

DNC Official Confront Fox News Live on the Air: ‘Why the Hell Does Tucker Carlson Still Have a Job Here?’

MSNBC: Federal Judge Rejects Trump’s ‘Absolute Immunity’ Claim

Monday, November 25, 2019

Carter Page on Altered FISA Doc: I Was Smeared and Slandered To Get to Trump

Devin Nunes: I Am Taking the Daily Beast and CNN to Court and Hold Them Accountable

Mark Steyn on Elizabeth Warren Claiming Her Kids Went to Public School: Her Solution Is To Lie About Everything

Tucker Warns of a Possible Michelle Obama Presidential Run

Trump: USMCA Is ‘Sitting on Nancy Pelosi’s Desk; She’s Incapable of Moving It’

President Trump Honors Special Ops Dog 'Conan' Wounded in Syria Baghdadi Raid

Maxine Waters: Ben Carson Lacks the ‘Intelligence’ To Be HUD Secretary

Dan Bongino Says Democrats Worked with Ukraine to Spy on Trump: ‘It’s No More Complicated Than That’

‘Saturday Night Live’ Takes on Democratic Presidential Debate

Sunday, November 24, 2019

CBS’ Brennan Presses Kellyanne Conway: Why Doesn’t Trump Believe His Own DOJ, Intel Agencies on Russian Interference?

MediaBuzz: John Solomon Battles Media Critics

Andrew Desiderio: Democrats Increasingly Optimistic on Impeachment but Failed to Get Republican Support

Steve Bannon: Nancy Pelosi is Risking Her Speakership by Pressing Impeachment Vote

Front Page Index Clip Of The Week: Fox News: NYT Video Op-Ed Mocks Cancel Culture ‘Medieval Mob’

Fox News: Chris Wallace tells Rep. Swalwell Polls on Impeachment Moving Against Democrats

Adam Schiff: ‘Public Support for Impeachment Has Grown Fairly Dramatically in the Last Two Months’

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Fox News: Rudy Giuliani Snaps At Fox News’ Ed Henry: ‘I’m Embarrassing You’

Fox News: Vice President Pence Surprises Troops in Iraq

Sen. Tim Scott: House Impeachment Inquiry Produced No Facts or Evidence

Rudy Giuliani: Donald Trump’s Not Going to Throw Me Under the Bus; ‘I Have Insurance’

Marc Lotter on Google Restricting Political Ads: Democrats Can’t Keep Up so They Are Changing the Rules

Friday, November 22, 2019

Supercut: Media Try Their Best to Hype ‘Bombshell!’ ‘Explosive!’ Impeachment Hearings

MSNBC’s Mitchell Spins News Report FBI Modified FISA Doc: Trying to ‘Undermine’ Russia Claims

Joe Biden: ‘Watch Me,’ I’m in ‘Better Shape than Mayor Bloomberg Physically and Otherwise’

Trump to ‘Fox & Friends’: FISA Investigation Will Be ‘Historic’ and ‘Goes to the Highest Levels’

Chris Wallace Warns that Trump, Schiff, and Biden Could All Have to Testify in Senate Trial: ‘A Dangerous Road’

John Kasich on Impeachment: We’ve Become So Tribal, at Some Point People Will Say I’ve Got To Be My Own Person

ABC Florida: Dog Left Alone in Car Drives in Circles for an Hour

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hannity Panel: Real Circumvention of Law Is Done as Premeditated FISA Probe Is Being Uncovered

Mark Steyn: When Biden Is Told He’s Woozy, Unfocused and Looks To Be Losing It, He Threatens Physical Violence

Tucker: Instead of Helping Young Americans Have Families, Dems Focus More on Immigration and Abortion

Rep. Schiff Awkwardly Shouts the Word ‘Silent’ During Closing Remarks

Biden on African American Support: ‘The Community’s Always Been Comfortable with Me’

Israeli PM Netanyahu: ‘The Time Has Come to Investigate the Investigators’

Media Hysteria on Impeachment: ‘We May Be at a Tipping Point’

Fox News: Fiona Hill Wrote an Op-Ed in 2015 for the WaPo Arguing Against Providing Lethal Military Aid to Ukraine

Pelosi on Impeachment: We Shouldn’t Be ‘Characterized as Partisan in Any Way Because We Are Patriotic’

Fiona Hill: The Goal of the Russians Is to ‘Delegitimize Our Entire Presidency’

Supercut: MSNBC Debate Moderators Challenge Dems from Left, Urge GOP Attacks

Kamala Harris Slams Buttigieg For Comparing Struggles Of Gay Community With Black Community

Yang Stands up For Tom Steyer: He Spends His Own Money Fighting Climate Change

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Gabbard: The Democratic Party Is ‘Not of By and For the People’

Sen. Warren: ‘I’ve Got a Plan to Build 3.2 Million’ Government Housing Units

Sen. Warren Says Her ‘Wealth Tax’ Will Cure America’s Political Divide

Booker: I Thought Biden Was High When He Said He Opposed Legalization of Marijuana

Sanders: ‘We Should Think About Prosecuting’ Oil Company Execs for Global Warming

Rep. Nunes: ‘I Yield to Rep. Schiff for Story Time Hour’

Dana Perino: The Polls on Impeachment Are Not Going in the Democrats Favor

Sondland: I Never Said President of United States Should Be Impeached

Ken Starr: Sondland Decided Not To Put President's 'I Don't Want Anything' in Opening Statement

Trump Says Sondland’s Testimony Should End Impeachment Inquiry: ‘It’s All Over!’

Sondland: Trump Never Told Me About ‘Any Preconditions for Anything’

Gordon Sondland: The Aid Was Lifted Without Any Announcement About Investigations

Sondland: ‘Giuliani’s Requests Were a Quid Pro Quo. To This Day, I Do Not Know Why Aid Was Suspended'

Gordon Sondland Testifies that President Trump Told Him ‘No Quid Pro Quo’

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Hannity Panel: Viewership of Impeachment Coverage of Mainstream Media Is Suffering

Newt Gingrich: Schiff’s Lies Are on a Scale That Dishonors Congress

Jordan: How Can Schiff Say that We’re Trying to ‘Out’ the Whistleblower If He Doesn’t Know the Whistleblower

Kurt Volker Says There Was No Quid Pro Quo, Bribery, or Extortion

McConnell: Hopefully Senate Works Through ‘Not Too Lengthy of a Process’ of Impeachment Trial

Both Kurt Volker and Tim Morrison Admit that They We’re Never Asked to Bribe or Extort Anyone at Anytime

Trump Slams CNN’s Reporting on His Health: ‘These People Are Sick’

Trump: ‘You Have a Kangaroo Court Headed by Little Shifty Schiff’

Trump Slams ‘Grossly Incompetent’ Pelosi: ‘All She Wants To Do Is Focus on Impeachment. It's Her Little Pipe Dream’

Vindman: ‘Certainty the President Is Well Within His Right’ To Ask for Investigations

Vindman Says He Was Offered the Job of Ukrainian Defense Minister Three Times

Alexander Vindman: ‘As Far as I Can Tell’ Hunter Biden Was Not Qualified

Adam Schiff Claims the Whistleblower Has a ‘Statutory Right to Anonymity’

Monday, November 18, 2019

Fox News: NYT Video Op-Ed Mocks Cancel Culture "Medieval Mob"

Fox News: Kanye West Performs at Joel Osteen's Houston Church

Fox News: Joe Biden Rejects Push for Recreational Marijuana Legalization

Fox News: IG Horowitz to Appear before Senate Judiciary Committee December 11th to Deliver Report on Judicial System

Geraldo: Disappointing for Bloomberg to Apologize for Stop-and-Frisk Because It Made New York Safe

Kamala Harris Jokes that She ‘Probably’ Needs Mental Health Treatment Because She’s Running for President

Fox Business: Michael Bloomberg Apologizes for Targeting Blacks and Latinos with 'Stop-And-Frisk' Policy

Fox Business: President Trump Tweets He Will Strongly Consider Testifying in Impeachment Hearings in Writing

Fox News: Pro-GOP Group Launching Ad Blitz in 37 Districts Slamming Dems Over Impeachment

Fox News: 8 More Witnesses to Testify in Impeachment Inquiry Hearings, 3 Republican

Assistant House Speaker Luján: ‘We Hope’ Trump Testifies Before Congress

Rep. Ratcliffe: Adam Schiff Can Say Anything He Wants, I Want Him To Be Placed Under Oath

Colorado Radio Host Says He Was Fired After Criticizing Trump

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Devin Nunes: Impeachment Hearings Affect Intelligence Committee Oversight, How Agencies Go Rouge

Video Shows Homeless Veterans in West Los Angeles Outside Veterans Park

America's News Headquarters: President's Public Schedule Completely Clear Today and Tomorrow

America's News Headquarters: Incumbent Wins LA Governor's Race Among Record Voter Turnout

Joe Biden Confusingly Talks About Wealthy Investors ‘Who Are Just Clipping Coupons’

Chris Wallace Grills Steve Scalise on Impeachment

Nancy Pelosi Dodges on What Impeachable Offense President Trump Has Committed, No Decision to Impeach the President

Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

Front Page Index Clip of the Week: Kellyanne Conway After CNN Plays George Conway Remarks: ‘I’m Embarrassed for You’

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fox News: W.H. Press Secretary Grisham Addresses President's Visit to Walter Reed Medical

CNN: President Trump Makes Unscheduled Visit to Walter Reed Medical Center

RELATED: CNN: President Trump's medical exam was unscheduled, source said

Leland Vittert: Has Impeachment Become Too Confusing for the American People?

CNN: Obama Warns 2020 Dems: Don't Go Too Far Left, Entire System Must Be Torn Down

Kanye West Performs a Surprise Concert for Hundreds of Inmates at a Texas County Jail

CNN: Roger Stone Charged Friday on All 7 Counts

Bulls & Bears: Rep. Tlaib Subject to Ethics Investigation for 2018 Misuse of Campaign Funds

Bulls & Bears: Bloomberg Targets Trump with $100 Million Ad Blitz

AG Bill Barr: ‘It Is the Left that Is Engaged in the Systematic Shredding of Norms and Undermining the Rule of Law’

Friday, November 15, 2019

Tucker Carlson Mocks Marie Yovanovitch After Testimony: How Many Other ‘Neurotics’ Do We Have as Ambassadors?

Fmr. Rep. Rogers: ‘I’m Not Sure What the Democrats Got Accomplished Today’

President Trump: For the History of Our Country, there has Never Been a Disgrace than What Is Going On Now

Devin Nunes: The Whistleblower Only Met with Democrats, Not with Republicans

ABC’s Terry Moran: ‘She Did Not Get Us Any Closer’ to an Impeachable Offense

Yovanovitch: I Was Not on July 25th Call, Not Involved in Pence-Zelensky Meeting, Never Spoke to Trump or Mulvaney

Schiff Refuses to Let Elise Stefanik Ask Any Questions

Adam Schiff Calls out Fox News for Smear Campaign Against Marie Yovanovitch

Adam Schiff: Marie Yovanovitch Did Not Just Piss Off Corrupt Ukrainians, But Also, Certain Americans, Like Rudy Giuliani

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Trump on Ukraine Accusations: ‘Like We Need Help to Beat Sleepy Joe Biden’

Tucker Carlson Tonight: Former MA Gov. Deval Patrick Joins Crowded Dem 2020 Field

VP Pence on the Shooting in Santa Clarita: We Commend the Swift Response of Local Law Enforcement and School Officials

Lou Dobbs Tonight: Joe diGenova Alleges George Soros Controls State Department, Corrupted F.B.I. Overseas

MSNBC: California School Shooting Suspect 16-Year Old Male in Critical Condition, On Birthday, Killed 2, Injured 5, Shot Self in Head

After the Bell: USMCA Could Make Its Way Though House This Year

Rep. Lawrence: ‘I’d Love to Have a Debate About Viagra’ and Whether the Government Should Restrict It

Fox News: Drug Resistant Super Bugs Kill Americans Every 15 Minutes, Twice As Much Than Previously Thought

Kellyanne Conway After CNN Plays George Conway Remarks: ‘I’m Embarrassed for You’

Sec. Carson: The Number of Homeless Veterans Has Decreased by 21% in New Hampshire

Pelosi Gets Frustrated, Calls James Rosen ‘Mr. Republican Talking Points’

Three California Students Describe Shooting: ‘It Was Surreal’

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Mark Levin: What We Have Is a Biden Crime Family

Trace Gallagher: IG Says Whistleblower May Be Soliciting Illicit Donations

Hannity: Adam Schiff Keeps Contradicting Himself About Knowing the Identity of the Whistleblower

Ken Starr: ‘No Hope for Impeachment’ and ‘No Crime Was Proven Today’

Trump on the Impeachment Hearings: ‘I’d Much Rather Focus on Peace in the Middle East’

Rep. Schiff: ‘I’m Reserving Judgment’ on Whether Trump Should Be Impeached

Rep. Schiff Closes Impeachment Hearing by Insisting He Doesn’t Know Whistleblower

Jim Jordan Asks Why Only Schiff Knows the Identity of the Whistleblower

Chris Stewart (R-UT): Entire Impeachment Case Based on One Sentence in President's Ukraine Call

John Ratcliffe (R-TX): If Democrats Impeach President Trump for Quid Pro Quo on Military Aid, They'd Have to Call President Zelensky a Liar

Trump on Impeachment Hearings: It’s a Hoax, I’m Too Busy to Watch It

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Newt Gingrich on Impeachment Probe: ‘All of This Is Garbage’

Fox’s Geraldo to Bongino Slamming ‘Safe Injection’ Sites: What’s Your Idea, Smart Guy?

Joe Concha: American People Know Impeachment Going to be Partisan Circus, Show About Nothing

Tucker Carlson: Rich Californians Hire Private Fire Departments to Fight Wild Fires

Dean Martin’s Daughter: ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Is Only ‘Flirtatious,’ John Legend Should Write a New Song