Thursday, January 31, 2019

Laura Ingraham Encourages Viewers to Wear MAGA Hats: Show Everyone What ‘Tolerance, Kindness, and Inclusiveness Look Like’

Tim Ballard Appears on Fox News’ ‘The Ingraham Angle’ To Discuss Sex Trafficking Crisis on the Southern Border

Trump Condemns ‘Horrible’ Attack on Empire Actor Jussie Smollett

Huckabee Battles Tarlov over Va., NY Abortion Bills: ‘What Is Reproductive About the Death of a Baby?’

Geist: The First Bid from Democrats to President Was Zero Dollars on the Wall

Brennan on Roger Stone’s Arrest: FBI Conducted Itself Appropriately, He Stole Someone’s Dog

Napolitano Says Roger Stone Arrest Was ‘Staged’: This Is ‘Kafkaesque’

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Lisa Boothe: Dems Tell Us that a Wall Is Immoral But Abortion Is Not?

Howard Schultz Adviser Steve Schmidt: He’s Not ‘Intimidated By the Twitter Mob’

Schultz: ‘I Would Not’ Give Trump Credit for 3.9% Unemployment Rate

Roger Stone on Mueller Probe: Trump ‘Needs to Wake up, This Is a Speeding Bullet Heading for His Head’

Va. Gov. Defends Legalizing Aborting Babies During Childbirth: ‘Done in Consent of the Mother’

Howard Schultz: I’m a Billionaire, I Thought that Was the American Dream

Harris Faces Backlash for Comparing ICE to KKK

CNN: Chicago Will Be Colder than Antarctica This Week

Howard Schultz Plays Word-Association, Calls Trump ‘Despicable,’ Hillary Clinton ‘Honorable’

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

John Podesta on Howard Schultz: ‘I Don’t Think He Should Run’

Bret Baier Presses Tom Perez on Pulling DNC from Women’s March: Was It Because of Anti-Semitism Concerns?

Schumer Announces Stacey Abrams Will Deliver Democratic Response to State of the Union

Howard Schultz Says He Won’t Run as a Democrat Because of Ocasio-Cortez’s Policies

Chris Christie on Kushner’s Father: ‘It’s Not Allegedly’ What He Did ‘He Pled Guilty’

Schumer Attacks the Koch Brothers After They Announce Plan to Work on Both Sides of the Aisle

Jeff Flake: Common Ground Might Be Dead in Washington, But It Is Alive and Well Everywhere Else

CBS News: Former Sen. Jeff Flake Joins CBS News as Contributor

Monday, January 28, 2019

Roger Stone: This Investigation Is Only Meant to Silence Me

Anderson Cooper to Steve Cortes: Would You Want Your Kids to Live in Mexico?

Heckler Calls Schultz an ‘Egotistical Billionaire A**Hole’

Fox’s Napolitano: If Roger Stone’s Serious About Playing Hardball, Mueller Report May Not Drop Until After 2020

Mercedes Schlapp on SOTU: ‘We Know It’s Definitely Not Tomorrow’

Stone: ‘It’s a Raw Abuse of Power ... CNN Reporter Was Allowed to Film My Arrest When the Street Was Sealed Off’

Roger Stone: Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Clapper, Hillary They All Lied Under Oath, Where Is the Equal Application of the Law?

Roger Stone: I Will Not Take the Fifth, I Am Happy to Answer Questions

Gingrich: Trump Shouldn’t Pay Attention to Ann Coulter; She’s Off in Fantasy Land Trying to Sell Books

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Chaffetz: ‘The President Is in a Better Position Now Than He Was a Week Ago’

Howard Schultz: If I Decide to Run for President, I Will Be on the Ballot of Every State and Every District

Candace Owens Rips Alyssa Milano: ‘Offensive’ to Liken MAGA Hats to KKK Hoods; ‘Talk About Cultural Appropriation’

Dan Bongino Battles Chris Hahn on Stone Arrest: ‘I Let You Make a Fool of Yourself! Are You Just Brain Dead All the Time?’

Mulvaney on If There Will Be Another Shutdown: ‘We Don’t Go into This Trying To Shut the Government Down’

Meghan McCain: ‘I Hate This Country’ Without My Father’s Leadership

Tapper to Corsi: Why Don’t You Be Honest with the American People About Where the Info on Hillary Came From?

Roger Stone: Mueller May Have Induced Rick Gates to Falsely Say He Urged Me to Contact Wikileaks

Stephanopoulos to Stone: ‘Are You Prepared to Spend the Last, Best Years of Your Life in Jail?’

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Dershowitz on Stone Arrest: ‘Mueller Has Come Up Relatively Empty on Crimes that Occurred Before He Was Appointed, Which Was His Mandate’

Sam Nunberg: Trump Didn’t Treat Roger Well; Trump Didn’t Appreciate Roger or Me

Dinesh D’Souza’s Wife Blasts 2020 Dems for Pushing Socialism: ‘Socialism Is Equal Misery...It’s a Horrific Ideology’

Stone’s Attorney: Pre-Dawn Raid ‘Was Reminiscent of a Police State Rather than a Free Republic, It Was Disgraceful’

Gingrich on Heavily Armed Pre-Dawn Raid on Stone: ‘Something Despicable’ About What’s Happening in America

Friday, January 25, 2019

Roger Stone: ‘I’m Essentially Broke’ Because Leaks from Mueller Have Dried Up My Consulting Business

Andrew McCarthy: Roger Stone FBI Raid At 6:00am, Press Release Issued At 6:17am, CNN On Scene Prior To Issue Of Release

Gutfeld: Stone Tipped Off CNN To Predawn FBI Raid

Trump: ‘I Will Sign a Bill to Open Our Government for Three Weeks Until February 15th’

Trump: ‘I Am Very Proud to Announce Today that We Have Reached a Deal to End the Shutdown’

Dershowitz on Stone Arrest: ‘Prosecutors Tamper with Witnesses All the Time,’ ‘It’s a Double Standard of Injustice’

Read the Indictment

Dan Bongino on Stone: ‘Clear As Day’ Trump Didn’t Collude with the Russians; ‘This Is a Mueller Witch Hunt’

Geraldo on Stone: ‘Hard for Me to Feel Sorry for Someone Who Became a Dirty Trickster in the First Grade’

Geraldo Blasts the FBI for Stone Raid: ‘The Most Embarrassingly Excessive Raid on a Person’s House,’ ‘Reserved’ for Drug Lords

Brennan: Stone Indictment Shows Effort to Swing Election ‘May Have Gone to the Very Top’ of Trump Campaign

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Don Lemon on Wilbur Ross’ Shutdown Comment: That Is the Most Elite, Out of Touch Thing I Have Ever Heard

Senate Fails To Pass Trump-Backed Border Wall and Schumer Spending Bills

Sen. Warren on Her ‘Wealth Tax’ Proposal: We’ll Ensure No One Can Hide Assets Anywhere

Fox News: President Trump Postpones SOTU Until Government Shutdown Ends

CNN: Michael Cohen Receives Subpoena from Senate Intel Committee to Testify Next Month

Lanny Davis Blasts Rudy Giuliani, Accuses Him of ‘Witness Tampering’

Pompeo: ‘Make No Mistake About It the Defeat of the Caliphate, the ISIS Caliphate in Syria Is Almost Complete’

Josh Green: If the Shutdown Goes on, There Eventually Will Be a Recession

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Fmr. Venezuelan Diplomat: Maduro’s Relationships with International Terror Organizations Are ‘Very Clear Risk to the National Security of the United States’

Michael Caputo and Sam Nunberg Collide over Trump Campaign and Russia: Roger Stone ‘Put Us All in Danger!’

Judge Nap: Cohen Wants to Convey the Impression, Whether Real or Not, that He’s Fearful for His Own Safety

Trump on SOTU, Shutdown: It’s Really a Shame What’s Happening with the Democrats, They Have Become Radicalized

CNN: Michael Cohen Postpones Capitol Hill Testimony Due to ‘Threats’ from Trump

Fox Panel Erupts After Jessica Tarlov Says GOP Is Trying to Make Covington Kids into the New Kavanaugh

Sarah Sanders: ‘Nancy Pelosi Has to Start Putting the American People Ahead of Partisan Politics’

Guthrie to Sandmann: ‘If You Weren’t Wearing that Hat’ Would This Have Happened?

Glaude on Covington Students Wearing MAGA Hat: The Hat Represents ‘Racial Animus; Segregation’

Fox News: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lands Position On Powerful House Oversight Committee

Bloomberg: Legalizing ‘Addictive Narcotic’ Marijuana Is ‘The Stupidest Thing Anybody Has Ever Done’

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Mark Levin Rips the Media: The 4th Estate Has Become the 5th Column, Committed to Ousting Trump

Schiff: ‘Witness Intimidation’ for Trump To Say Michael Cohen’s Father in Law Should Be Investigated’

Judge Nap on SCOTUS Transgender Military Ban Ruling: ‘It Does Not Remove Anybody That Is Transgendered and Is Already in the Military’

Angela Rye: MAGA Hats ‘Just as Maddening and Frustrating and Triggering for Me as a KKK Hood’

MSNBC’s Figliuzzi: My ‘Worst Case Conspiracy Theorist Scenario’ Is Trump Wants To Create a ‘National Emergency’

Fmr. Coast Guard Commandant on the Shutdown: Our Elected Leaders ‘Are Failing to Live up to Their Responsibilities’

MSNBC: SCOTUS Allows Trump Admin to Enforce Transgender Military Ban While Case Proceeds

Brokaw on the Shutdown: The ‘Red Moon’ Was ‘Embarrassed’ Looking Down on the US.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez on Millennials: ‘We’re Like the World Is Going to End in 12 Years if We Don’t Address Climate Change. This is Our World War Two'

Fox Host Kennedy: Shift in Kirsten Gillibrand’s Views is ‘Almost a Form of Mental Illness’

NYT’s Peters: It Is an International Embarrassment that the U.S. Government Isn’t Functioning Properly

Tucker Slams Mainstream Media for Prematurely Judging Kids in MAGA Hats: How Can Kids from Kentucky Be Privileged?

Mark Steyn: Powerful People Like Kathy Griffin and Bill Kristol Are Destroying Lives of Nobodies

Fox News’ Jesse Watters: Gov’t Would Be Reopened Right Now ‘If We Had a Fair Media’

A Few Things You Might Have Missed: Mark Steyn

MSNBC: Shutdown Is Halting a Global Warming Study That’s ‘Critical to Future Life on Earth’

Senator Kamala Harris Officially Announces Her Candidacy for President

Baseball Great Curt Schilling Tells Mark Levin: I’m Not in the Hall of Fame Because I’m a Trump Supporter

Despite Lack of Video Evidence, Native American Claims White Students Shouted Racist Things at Black Protesters

‘Fox & Friends’ Apologizes for Accidental Graphic Saying Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Dead

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Mark Levin on Buzzfeed Report:This Whole Story’s Not Believable

Chris Wallace Calls out Pence for Saying ‘ISIS Is Defeated’: ‘You Were Briefed’ on this ‘Horrific Attack’

Ben Smith Refuses to Tell CNN’s Stelter if His Reporters Saw the Cohen Documents

Rudy Giuliani: I Appreciate Special Counsel Coming Out Last Night with a Statement

Tapper to Gillibrand: If Trump’s Immigration Positions Are Racists, Were They Racist When You Held Same Positions?

Giuliani: Trump Didn’t Obstruct Justice Because He Said ‘Please’

BuzzFeed’s Smith: ‘We Are Eager to Understand Which Characterizations Mueller Is Talking About’

Saturday, January 19, 2019

MSNBC on Women’s March: ‘Nowhere Near’ the Size of Last Year’s

CNN: Speaker Pelosi Rejects President's Proposal To End Shutdown

Fox News: President Trump Addresses Border Security, Stalemate In Talks With Congress On 29th Day Of Partial Government Shutdown

Trump Holds Naturalization Ceremony In Oval Office, In Wake Of Major Shutdown Announcement

Fox News: President Trump To Make Major Announcement On Shutdown And Border Security 1PM ET

Trump Blasts BuzzFeed Report: ‘Disgrace’ to the Country and Journalism, Media Coverage Was ‘Disgraceful’

Buzzfeed’s Ben Smith Stands by Cohen Report Despite Mueller Pushback

Huckabee Rips Pelosi over Flight: ‘They Have No Business Going Out of the Country When They Need To Settle’ the Shutdown

Fox & Friends Mocks BuzzFeed: ‘Stick to What You Know,’ ‘Cats and Dogs’

Friday, January 18, 2019

Tucker Blasts Buzzfeed’s Ben Smith: He ‘Is a Joke...But Obviously a Dishonest Reckless Person’

Fox News: Robert Mueller Debunks Buzzfeed Story That Trump Directed Cohen To Lie to Congress

CNN’s FBI Reporter on BuzzFeed Reporter: ‘I’m Naturally Skeptical’

Women’s March Leader Tamika Mallory Won’t Say if Israel Has Right to Exist

Sen. Cruz’s March for Life Message: ‘We March for the Unborn of Our Generation and Generations to Come ‘

Lara Trump: ‘Michael Cohen Is a Fraud … Trying to Get His Last Couple Minutes of Fame’

John Kerry Implies that Putin Has Information on Trump, Says There Is Huge Credibility to the Steele Dossier

Fox News: Pelosi Claims Trump Administration Leaked Commercial Flight Itinerary For Oversees Trip

Fox News: President's Legal Team Slams BuzzFeed Report Trump Told Cohen To Lie To Congress

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Mark Steyn: Impeachment Calls Say That Your Vote Doesn’t Matter

Schiff: Trump Is Acting Like ‘He’s in the Fifth Grade’

Fox News’ Heartbreaking Interview with Furloughed Federal Worker: ‘I’ve Actually Had a Breakdown’

Trump Administration: More Migrant Children Separated From Families Than Previously Reported

CNN’s Acosta: ‘Childish’ Trump Cancels Speaker Pelosi’s Trip Abroad Due to Shutdown

Fox News: President Trump Cites Reasons For Canceling Speaker Pelosi's Oversees Trip In Letter

Fox News: Trump Grounds Aircraft For Speaker Pelosi's Oversees Trip After Her Calls To Postpone SOTU

WSJ’s Rothfeld on Cohen Rigging Polls: He ‘Wanted Him to Make Trump the Greatest Business Leader of the Century’

Chaffetz Rips Pelosi Over Request to Postpone the State of the Union: ‘You Liar!’

Pelosi: ‘I’m Not for a Wall, I’m Not for a Wall, I’m Not for a Wall’

Pelosi: President’s Insistence on a Wall ‘Is a Luxury the Country Can No Longer Afford’

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Schiff: ‘Otherworldly Situation’ Where the Kremlin Is Denying the President ‘Was Working as an Agent for Them’

Giuliani: Manafort Giving Polling Data to Russians Is Not Collusion

Giuliani Battles CNN’s Cuomo on Steele Dossier: Stop All This False Reporting!

Giuliani: Mueller’s People Destroyed 19,000 Texts By Strzok and Page

Graham Interrupts Barr Hearing with Message to Trump After Suicide Bombing in Syria: You ‘Set in Motion Enthusiasm by the Enemy’

Manchin: Pelosi Disinviting Trump for SOTU Is the ‘Wrong Approach’

Ashcroft: Bill Barr ‘Is the Best Qualified Person Ever To Be Nominated for Attorney General’

Mark Warner: ‘Appropriate’ for Bill Barr to Withdraw His Nomination; His Only Qualification Is He’s Against Mueller

De Blasio Dodges Question About Possible White House Run

Gillibrand Announces 2020 Bid: ‘I Feel Very Called at This Moment’ to Make a Difference

Matt Walsh: Gillette Ad Is ‘Insulting’ Their Own Customers and That’s ‘Not the Best Move’

Jim Jordan on DoJ Probing Baker’s Media Leaks: McCabe, James Baker, Strzok and Page All Had ‘Deep Bias’ Against Trump

Rep. Green: If You Oppose Steve King’s Comments, We Must Also Impeach Trump

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Doug Wead Appears on FBN’s ‘Trish Regan Primetime’ To Discuss William Barr’s Hearing

Schiff: ‘Astonishing’ Bill Barr Was Picked for AG After ‘Hostile’ Memo on Mueller

Hawley Presses Barr on How DoJ Should Respond to Potential Violations by Major Tech Companies

AG Nominee Barr Says He Won’t Remove Mueller: Didn’t Work out So Well During Watergate

CNN: Theresa May Brexit Deal Defeated in Historic Drubbing

Fox News: AG Nominee William Barr Says He Hasn't Visited A Port Of Entry At U.S./Mexico Border In 30 Years

AG Nominee Barr Rejects Giuliani’s Demand to ‘Correct’ Final Mueller Report: ‘That Will Not Happen’

Sen. Menendez Fumes When Confronted by Fox News Over Beach Pic: ‘You Guys Are Neither Fair Nor Balanced’

Monday, January 14, 2019

Fmr. Border Patrol Chief: MS-13 Gang Members Used To Laugh at How Easy It Was To Cross the Border

Tim Scott: ‘Steve King’s Comments Are Antithetical to What Is in Fact the American Dream’

Romney Calls on Steve King to Resign over ‘Reprehensible’ Comments

That Time Acosta Called Out Sarah Sanders for Saying ‘When You’re Attacking FBI Agents…You’re Losing’

Dan Bongino: Counter Intelligence Investigation Against Trump Has Nothing To Do with Russia

Trump on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘Who Cares?’

Trump: ‘I Never Worked for Russia’

Gloria Allred: R. Kelly Is Using ‘Playbook from Donald Trump’ to Silence Alleged Women Victims

ABC’s Karl: Sources Close to Mueller Say His Report ‘Almost Certain To Be Anti-Climactic’

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Ron Johnson: McCabe Lied to the FBI and That’s ‘Real Corruption in the FBI’

Ted Cruz: What Steve King Said Was ‘Stupid,’ ‘Hurtful,’ ‘Wrong,’ and ‘He Needs to Stop It’

Lindsey Graham: I Don’t Trust What I Read in the New York Times

Tulsi Gabbard Defends Meeting with Assad: If We’re Not Willing to Meet with Our Adversaries Then We’re Going to Have More War

Terry Turchie: Eliot Engel Ending Terrorism Cmte. to Instead Investigate Trump Is a ‘Really Bad Decision’

Texas Dept. of Public Safety’s John Jones: We Have Over 4000 Illegals in Texas Jails Convicted of Sexual Assaults

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Sam Nunberg: Trump Could Be Guilty of Obstruction If He Blocks Release of the Mueller Report

Julian Castro Announces 2020 Run: ‘I Am a Candidate for President of the United States of America’

Garamendi: ‘There Will Be a Heavy Price’ if Trump ‘Even Tries’ to Declare a National Emergency

Tucker Grills Leslie Marshall: Why Should White Guy Gavin Newsom Be Allowed To Be Governor of a State That Is Not Majority White?

Fox News: San Diego TV Station Says CNN Turned Down Report Because It Didn’t Reach Pre-Approved Conclusion About the Wall

Friday, January 11, 2019

Fox News: NYT Reports That in 2017 FBI Investigated Whether Trump Was Secretly Working for Russia

Fox News: Justice Ginsburg To Be Out Again Next Week as She Continues To Recover

Lisa Murkowski: Trump’s Request ‘Is Not Something So Unreasonable ... Let’s Get the Government Open’

Homeland Security Special Agent Scott Brown: Wall Won’t Stop Drugs Coming into the U.S.

Kamala Harris: I Will Soon Make a Decision on Running in 2020

Furloughed FAA Worker: It’s Not Moral to Use Safety of Americans as a ‘Bargaining Chip’

Meghan McCain Snaps at ‘The View’ Producer Who Told Her Not to Call Michael Cohen a ‘Jackass’

Lindsey Graham Says It’s Time for Trump to Declare a National Emergency

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Mark Steyn: There’s Something Wrong When Cher Talks About the Shutdown and ‘Next President Beto’ IG’s His Teeth Cleaning

CNN’s Prokupecz: Cohen Testimony Something that We Have Not Seen Since Watergate Era

Sen. Hirono: Trump’s ‘Taking 800,000 Federal Employees Hostage So He Can Get His Vanity Wall’

Jill Wine-Banks: Michael Cohen Testimony Can Lead to Impeachment of Trump

Rep. Castro: ‘I’m Not Inclined to Trade’ DACA for Big, Long Border Wall Across the Border with Mexico

Union Pres. at Shutdown Rally Starts Shouting: ‘Are You Willing to Make Your Voices Heard?!?!’

CNN’s Acosta Accidentally Makes the Case for the Usefulness of a Border Wall

Trump on the Shutdown: ‘We Have to Get a Win or I’ll Have to Go National Security’

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

CNN Panel Devolves into Chaos: Ana Navarro Does Her Nails as Steve Cortes Shouts About Dead People

Fox News: Rod Rosenstein Plans to Stay on Until Mueller Finishes His Work

Ainsley Earhardt Tells Fox Viewers ‘You’re Spending’ $80,000 in Taxes for ‘One Illegal,’ Lists Killings and Rapes Committed by Immigrants

Fmr. Maryland Deputy AG: I Worry Rod Rosenstein’s Exit Is Not Voluntary

Sarah Sanders: Declaring a National Emergency Is ‘Still on the Table’

Conway: For Democrats to Call Border Crisis ‘Manufactured’ Is ‘Insulting’

Kevin Hart Says There’s No Way He’s Hosting Oscars in Defiant Interview: ‘I’m Over It’

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

CNN’s Henderson: Trump’s ‘Stuck in the Same Narrative’ of Drugs Coming Across the Border

Shep Immediately Fact-Checks Trump Oval Office Address

Trump: ‘All Americans Are Hurt By Uncontrolled Illegal Migration’

Ocasio-Cortez Suggests People Only Eat When Cooks Prepare Food for Them

CNN: Manafort’s Lawyers Reveal the Former Trump Campaign Chief Gave Info to Alleged Kremlin Operative

Ron DeSantis Takes Oath of Office as Florida Governor

Monday, January 7, 2019

Tucker Rips Dems: When Walls Are Built Here To Protect Our Own Population, They Are Immoral

Warren: ‘I’m Not Relitigating 2016’ But in a 2020 Presidential Primary ‘We Have a Chance to Strengthen Democracy’

Terry McAuliffe Won’t Step Aside in 2020 for Joe Biden

Fox and Friends Blasts Christian Bale’s Golden Globes Speech Criticizing Cheney and McConnell

Anti-Marijuana Author: George Soros Is the ‘Largest Backer’ of a Pro-Cannabis Alliance

CNN on Trump Asking for Prime Time Address Tomorrow: No Basis, Are We Giving Him Time if He’s Going to Lie

MSNBC: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Misses Supreme Court Arguments for First Time in 25 Years

Fox News: Kevin Spacey Appears in Court for Assault Charge, Next Hearing Set for March 4

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Chris Wallace Grills Sarah Sanders for Lying About Terrorists at the Border

Schiff: Under Nunes the Committee Was Working to Conflict Itself with Mueller to Make His Work More Difficult

Judge Jeanine on Rashida Tlaib: You Want to Impeach Him? Be Careful What You Wish for, He’s Not the Only One Who Can Be Voted Out

Candace Owens: Ocasio-Cortez Is a 30-Year-Old Adult Woman Talking About Dangerous Ideas Once Pushed by Stalin and Lenin

Graham: ‘The Goal Is Not to Open up the Government,’ But To Secure the Border

Julian Castro: ‘I Support’ the Top 1 Percent Paying up to a 90 Percent Tax Rate to Fund Medicare for All

Friday, January 4, 2019

Pelosi Defends Colleague Threatening to Impeach ‘Motherf*cker’ Trump: No Impact on People’s Lives

Kim Strassel: Job Number Is a ‘Vivid Reminder That the Fundamentals of the U.S. Economy Are Strong’

Dan Henninger: If Mueller Keeps Dragging On, Bill Barr Should Call Him and Demand He Explain What He Has

Manchin Rips ‘Disgusting, Horrible’ Comments from Rep. Tlaib: Congress ‘Should Have Better Manners Than That’

Burgees Owens Appears On Fox News’ ‘Fox and Friends’ To Discuss NFL Ratings

Trump: ‘We’ll Have to Build a Steel Wall … Because We Have Steel Companies Again’

Schumer: Trump ‘Said He Would Keep Gov’t Closed for a Very Long Period of Time, Months or Even Years’

Deroy Murdock: If Trump Was the Dictator Democrats Claim He Is Why Is He Having Trouble Funding the Border Wall?

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Mike Pence Tells Tucker Carlson: ‘No Wall, No Deal’

Dershowitz: ‘Secret’ Emails About Sex Allegations Will Put ‘Prominent People in Handcuffs’

Trump: ‘I Have Never Had So Much Support as I Have in the Last Week Over My Stance for Border Security’

Abby Huntsman Shocked by Tucker Carlson’s Pay Equality Remarks: ‘Different from the Tucker I Know’

Mercedes Schlapp: Can She Control Radical Progressives in Her Party Who Want Open Borders Will Be the First Test of Pelosi’s Leadership

CNN’s Bash Gushes over Pelosi: You Can Say ‘I Am Uniquely Qualified, I Deserve This’

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Tucker: Our Leaders Push for Marijuana Because They Don’t Care About the People

Acting AG Whitaker Praises Trump for ‘Giving Up’ Holidays While Congress ‘Went on Vacation’

Bernie Sanders: I Apologize to the Women Who Felt Harassed Working for My Campaign

Trump: If Romney Fought Obama Like He Fought Me, He Would Have Won the Election

Romney on Flake’s Boycott of GOP Judges over Mueller Bill: ‘No Reason to Poke Anybody ... Just to Make a Point’

Romney on His Niece Attacking His WaPo Oped: ‘She Has a Responsibility’ to the GOP

Romney Won’t Say Accepting Trump’s Presidential Endorsement Was a Mistake

Romney on Endorsing Trump in 2020: ‘I Want to See What the Alternatives Are’

Romney: Trump Didn’t ‘Rise to the Occasion’ as I Hoped He Would in 2016

Romney to CNN: ‘Important for a President to Demonstrate the Qualities of Integrity and Honesty ... Empathy and Respect’

‘Morning Joe’ Airs Montage of Trump’s Very Specific Campaign Promise of Concrete Border Wall

Dan Bongino: Romney Is a Sell-Out, a Fraud, a Fake

WaPo Reporter: Warren Had to Take DNA Test as Early as Possible

Mike Murphy: Romney ‘Should Be Applauded’ for Speaking out Against Trump

Matt Gaetz on Shutdown: Are the Democrats Really Negotiating for Illegal Immigrants?