Thursday, May 31, 2018

Jake Tapper Compares Trump’s Pardoning of Far-Right ‘Heroes’ to Oprah Gifting ‘Pontiacs to Suburban Moms’

Dave Brat: 25 Republicans Are Helping Dems with Their Own Immigration Bill Because They Care About Cheap Labor

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on KRON 4 To Discuss California’s Governors Race

Mark Steyn: Samantha Bee Used the ‘C’ Word Because the F-Words Has Been Drained of It’s Power

Liberal Radio Host Mocks Christians Like Mike Pence as Mentally Ill

Boehner: ‘There Is No Republican Party’ Under Trump — It Is ‘Taking a Nap Somewhere’

CNN’s King: Samantha Bee’s Comments About Ivanka Are ‘Reprehensible,’ Says Company Should Comment

Stirewalt: ‘It’s a Bad Year for Republicans in California’

Judge Nap: Sessions Shouldn’t Have Accepted the Job, Trump’s Entitled To an AG in Whom He Has Confidence

Fox News: Trump To Pardon Dinesh D’Souza

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Judge Nap Defends Spygate: The Government Does This All the Time

Tom Dupree: DOJ IG Report ‘Has the Potential To Be a Bombshell’

Tom Arnold Loses it on ‘White Trash Racist’ Trump For Ex-Wife Roseanne’s Tweets

Samantha Bee Rips Ivanka Trump over Dad’s Immigration Policy: ‘You Feckless C*nt!’

Hannity: Sessions Should Have Never Accepted the Job as America’s Top Cop If He’d Just Recuse Himself

Michael Eric Dyson: Trump’s Turned the Nation into a Psychic Commode into Which He Dumps His Nasty Beliefs

Giuliani: Avenatti’s Not Ethical Enough To Be in a NY Court, He Belongs in a Gin Mill

Trump: ‘People Are Going to See… a Major Drop in the Cost of Prescription Drugs’

Gowdy: I Have Not Seen Any Evidence that There Was a Spy in the Trump Campaign

HBO Documentary Shows Shell Shocked, Mumbling Ben Rhodes After Trump Victory

FBN: Maker of Ambien Says Racism Is Not a Known Side Effect of Medication They Make

Kurtz on Roseanne: ‘C’Mon’ Ambien Is a ‘Lame Defense’

David Schweikert: Border Security Is a Winning Issue for the GOP

Dan Henninger: I Doubt Starbucks’ Hyper-Progressivism Will Attract New Customers

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Trey Gowdy: I Am Even More Convinced After DOJ Briefing the FBI Did Exactly What Citizens Would Want Them To Do

S.E. Cupp Slams ABC for Bringing Back Roseanne: You Can’t ‘Put the Crazy Back in the Bottle’

Greg Gutfeld on Roseanne: Twitter Creates Potential for You To Be an Idiot

CNN: ABC Cancels ‘Roseanne’ After Star’s Racist Tweet

Megyn Kelly Attacks Starbucks for Allowing Anyone to Use Bathroom: ‘Do You Really Want to Deal with Homeless People?’

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz: Trump’s Rhetoric Has ‘Given License’ to Racism

Veteran on School Preventing Daughter from Wearing Army Sash at Graduation: ‘I’m Disappointed’

Paris Dennard: Chelsea Clinton Was ‘Rude’ For Encouraging Anti-Trump Protests in the UK

Geraldo Rivera Jokes that Greg Gutfeld Is a ‘Pervert on the Playground,’ Mimics Terrified Child: ‘Mom! Mom!’

CNN: MH370 Search Officially Ends

New York Yankees Fans Boo Giuliani on His Birthday

Travis Allen Appears on ‘Fox and Friends First’ To Discuss Calif. Gubernatorial Primary, Border Security

Monday, May 28, 2018

Mark Geragos Discusses NFL's New Anthem Policy And It's Impact On Kaepernick's Collusion Case

Fox News: NASCAR Driver Honors Military by Helping Raise Thousands for Children of Fallen Servicemembers

Fox News: Trump Lays Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Trump: ‘It’s Our Heroes Who Make Us Who We Are and Who Determine What We Will Be’

Memorial Day 2018: Remember Me - Jocko Willink

Rep. Espaillat on Trump Admin Losing 1500 Illegal Kids: It’s a ‘Human Rights Crisis’

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Christina Cherry Appears on America’s News Headquarters To Discuss Service Dogs for Veterans

Clapper: As DNI, ‘I Wouldn’t Have Known’ About Spies in the Trump Campaign

Ryan Manion Appears on ‘Fox and Frends’ To Discuss Memorial Day, Travis Manion Foundation

Giuliani on Asking for Briefing on FBI Source: I Don’t See It as Interfering in the Russia Investigation

Diamond & Silk: NFL Players Can Stand for the Flag or They Can Kneel in the Unemployment Line

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Sally Yates: A ‘Backdoor’ Way to ‘Choke the Life’ out of the Mueller Probe Would Be to Replace Rosenstein

Freed American Joshua Holt: ‘I’m Overwhelmed With Gratitude For You Guys’

KCBS 2 Los Angeles: Michele Gile Reports on Dana Rohrabacher Controversial Remarks About Gay People

Richard Herman on Weinstein: The Biggest Issue for the Defense Is ‘Will They Be Able To Get an Impartial Jury in This #MeToo Environment’

Alan Dershowitz Interrupted by Awkward Skype Call from Weinstein Accuser on Live TV

Watters on Weinstein: ‘I Myself Enjoyed Watching the Perp Walk Today’

Friday, May 25, 2018

Dershowitz: ‘I Don’t Feel Comfortable’ Commenting on Weinstein Because I Consulted on the Case

Bill de Blasio: I Wouldn’t Shed a Tear If the New York Post Went out of Business

Gloria Allred on Weinstein: ‘It’s Not Too Late for Justice Still To Be Done’

Trump at the Naval Academy: ‘We Are All Here to Celebrate the Amazing Class of 2018’

Fox News: Harvey Weinstein Arraigned on Sex Crime Charges

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Katrina Pierson: Clapper, Comey and Brennan Are Throwing a ‘Huge Fit’ Because Trump’s Calling Them Out

Videos Released of Morgan Freeman Making Creepy Passes at Women: ‘Boy, Do I Wish I Was There’

Trump: Britt Slabinski and His Team Didn’t Even Hesitate for a Moment, Despite Being Outgunned

FBN: Michael Cohen Offered $500K for Book on Working as Trump’s ‘Fixer’

Clapper on Whether There Were Multiple FBI Informants: ‘There Could Have Been’

Fox News: Amazon Bans Customers Who Return Too Much

Michael Caputo: Mueller Team Didn’t Care There Were Other Possible Campaign Spies

Gingrich: Clapper Used To Be a Serious Professional, Now the Guy I See on TV Is Pathetic

Trump on Anthem Rule: If You Don’t Stand, Maybe You Shouldn’t Be in the Country

MSNBC: Trump Cancels Upcoming Kim Jong Un Summit

CNN’s Cuomo Presses Pelosi on School Safety: The Building You Work in Is Secure

Man Describes Getting Struck By ‘Flaming Lava Bomb’: It ‘Snapped My Leg in Half’

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

MacCallum Grills 30 Year Old Evicted from Parents’ House: Do You Understand Why They Want You Out?

ABC7: West Hollywood Proclaims ‘Stormy Daniels Day,’ Offers Porn Star Key To City

Doug Wead Appears on FBN’s ‘Cavuto Coast to Coast’ To Discuss Spygate

Evicted by His Parents, Man Doesn’t Have or Want a Job

Roger Goodell on New National Anthem Policy: ‘We Want People To Be Respectful of the National Anthem’

Burgess Owens: ‘We Need To Have Some Courage in the NFL To Have’ Players ‘Stand Up and Man Up’

Ron DeSantis: DoJ Is Unable ‘to Investigate Themselves’ So It’s Time for ‘a Special Counsel’

Judge Nap: If the FBI Used the Power of Gov’ts Law Enforcement Facilities to Interfere that Would Be a Crime of Enormous Magnitude

Lewandowski: If There Was an FBI Spy in the Trump Campaign Somebody Better Be Walked Out in Handcuffs

After Jim Jordan Decries Russia Probe on TV, Matt Gaetz and Hannity Endorse Him To Be House Speaker

Dennis Prager: The Left Has a Problem with Evil, They Hate People Who Fight Evil Like MS-13

Schiff: ‘I Think Little by Little, and Sometimes, Not so Little, We’re Seeing an Erosion of the Independence’ of the DoJ

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Trump Riffs: ‘Your Vote in 2018’ as Important as 2016 ... ‘I Don’t Know if I Believe That, Who the Hell Wrote That?’

Gutfeld on Starbucks: ‘Only in Today’s PC America Could a Coffeeshop Decide It’s the Moral Conscience of the Nation’

Sen. Hirono: ‘People Are Being Resilient But There’s No End as to When the Lava Will Stop Flowing’

Judge Napolitano Appears on Fox News’s ‘Your World With Neil Cavuto’ To Discuss Blankenship

Don Blankenship Appears on Fox News’s ‘Your World With Neil Cavuto’ To Discuss WV Senate Race

Trump on Kim Jong Un: ‘We Will Guarantee His Safety’

Schumer: ‘My Republican Colleagues’ Think Devin Nunes Is ‘off the Deep End’

Fmr. Trump Campaign Advisor Michael Caputo Alleges a Second Informant Approached Him

Pence Holds Firm on Stance That Mueller Should ‘Wrap it Up’: People ‘All Across America’ Agree

Clapper on Trump Calling Him a Liar: ‘I Made a Mistake, I Didn’t Lie’

Paul Ryan: ‘Wholly Appropriate’ to Ask for the Identity of an FBI Informant

Al Green: Democrats Will Impeach Trump if We Retake the House

Monday, May 21, 2018

David Gregory: NRA ‘Not a Constructive Group,’ Just ‘Trying to Protect the 2nd Amendment’

Hillary Clinton Hits Trump, Pulls out Russian Hat During Yale Speech

Turley: Trump’s Allegations About Campaign Surveillance ‘Validated to a Large Extent’

Alan Dershowitz: Americans Should Not Be Proud of Trump’s Election


VP Pence Swears-In New CIA Director Gina Haspel

Pelosi Thanks Dark Money Groups at Event Bashing Dark Money

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Devin Nunes Draws a ‘Red Line’ on Spies Targeting Trump Campaign

Andy Biggs: Mueller ‘Needs to Resign,’ He’s ‘Beyond His Scope’

Roger Stone: Mueller Probe an Effort ‘to Silence or Punish the President’s Supporters or Advocates’

SNL Channels ‘The Sopranos’ in Trumpian Cold Open Featuring Lurking Robert Mueller

Stirewalt: I Don’t Think Dems Have a Very Good Chance of Taking Back the Governor’s Mansion in Georgia

Donald Trump Jr. on Adam Schiff: ‘99% of Intelligent People Believe He’s the Person Leaking’

Benjamin Netanyahu: Iran ‘Trying to Conquer the Middle East with the Money from the Nuclear Deal’

Sara Carter: This Was a ‘Very Well Orchestrated’ Plan to Spy on the Trump Campaign

Rep. Schiff: The Claim by Giuliani that There Was a ‘Spy’ in the Trump Campaign Is ‘Nonsense’

Sarah Sanders Slams CNN’s Acosta: He Should Stick to Going One on One with Me Because Trump’s Out of His League

Judge Jeanine Pirro Pummels Jeff Sessions: ‘The Most Dangerous Man in America’

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Geraldo on School Shooting: ‘There Is a Perverse Copycat Phenomenon Going On’

Friday, May 18, 2018

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: ‘This Shooter Does Not Have Had Any Issues with the School’

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: The Shooter ‘Was Wearing a Trench Coat; It Had the Shotgun Concealed’

Trump on Texas Shooting: ‘Everyone Must Work Together at Every Level of Government to Keep Our Children Safe’

Santa Fe, Texas Police: ‘We Have One Suspect in Custody and One Person of Interest Detained’

MSNBC: At Least 8 People Killed in Texas High School Shooting

VP Pence: ‘Prison Reform Is a National Priority for the Trump Administration’

Kellyanne Conway: ‘Abortion Is Not Family Planning’

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Giuliani: FBI Spying on Trump Campaign Is Far More Worse than Watergate

Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members ‘Animals:’ ‘Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?’

Bill Gates Dishes on His Meetings with Trump: ‘Scary How Much He Knew About My Daughter’s Appearance’

Ex-UK Official: North Korean Officials Are Reading Fire and Fury to Get the Skinny on Trump

Fox News: Gina Haspel Confirmed as CIA Director

CNN: Court: Defamation Case Against Trump By Former Apprentice Contestant Can Go Forward

Darrell Issa: We’ve Discovered Collusion, But The Collusion Was the FBI Having a Spy in the Trump Campaign

MSNBC: Ronan Farrow Reports that Source of Cohen’s Leaked Financial Records Is Law Enforcement Official

Lewandowski: Mueller’s Spent Millions to Demonstrate What Trump and I Have Said, There’s No Collusion

Ari Fleischer: Avenatti’s Not Coming Across as a Lawyer, He’s a Political Operative

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Gingrich: System of Corruption Obama and Clinton Were in Charge of Is Beginning To Unravel

MSNBC: FBI Secret Investigation "Crossfire Hurricane" Into Trump Campaign Began 100 Days Before Election

Giuliani: Trump ‘Endorsed’ the Strategy of Revealing Reimbursement to Michael Cohen

CNN’s John King Highlights Trump’s Success in Reshaping the Federal Courts

Tucker Gives PSA: Do Not Approach ‘Creepy Porn Lawyer’ Michael Avenatti, ‘He May Be Dangerous’

Escondido Mayor: Jerry Brown Cares More About Illegal Criminals than He Does About Americans, ‘This Is Insanity’

John Solomon: The FBI Is Trying to Get Their Narrative out on the Trump Probe Before the IG Report Is Released

Ga. Gubernatorial Candidate Michael Williams: YouTube Pulled My Video Claiming It Was Hate Speech, But They Caved

CNN: He’s Campaigning For Governor Of Georgia On A ‘Deportation Bus’

Bret Baier: ‘North Korea Does Not Have a Great History of Living up to Promises’

John Kennedy: Facebook Is Constantly Pushing the Envelope and They Need To Level with People

Sarah Sanders: Melania Is Doing Very Well

Bill McGurn: Nun ‘Deserves More Than To Be the Laugh Line of Late Night TV’

Erin Elmore: Kindergartners and Elementary Students Were Forced to Put Up Anti-NRA and Anti-GOP Signs

Sarah Sanders: California Doesn’t Get to Decide Which Laws They Want to Follow

Pam Bondi: Lawsuit Against Opioid Makers Is ‘Long Overdue,’ They Have to Be Held Accountable

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Marc Thiessen: Kim Jong Un May Be Looking for a Way out Because Trump Boxed Him in Pretty Quickly