Monday, April 30, 2018

Page Pate Appears on HLN’s ‘Across America With Carol Costello’ To Discuss Flight 1380 Lawsuit

Netanyahu: I’m Sure Trump ‘Will Do the Right Thing’ on the Iran Deal

CBP’s Garza on Caravan: ‘Mexico Is Actually Aiding and Abetting These People To Be Smuggled Into Our Country’

Juror Reveals Key Evidence that Convinced Him to Convict Bill Cosby

Trump Put on the Spot About ‘Sh*thole Countries’ Remark in Presser with Nigerian President

Byron York: What You Will See This Week Is a Big Fight to Uncover Redacted Portions of Comey’s Transcripts

Judge Nap: How Brennan Can Say that Jim Clapper ‘Is a Person of Honesty and Ethics’ When He Lied Under Oath

White House Officials Pan WHCD: ‘Incredibly Disrespectful,’ ‘Reprehensible’

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Travis Allen: Sanctuary State is the Concept of Illegals Committing Crimes, Sheltered by U.S. Taxpayer Dollars

Christie on Michelle Wolf: ‘Last Night Was over the Line’

Luntz: If You Can’t Say Those Words on this Show You Shouldn’t Say Them at the WHCD

Bolton: These Three Americans Held In N. Korea ‘Are at the Top of the President’s Mind’

Fox News: Migrant Caravan Reaches U.S. Border To Seek Asylum

Fox News: Secret Service Now Says It Has No Record of Incidents Involving Dr. Ronny Jackson

Chaffetz: Comey Pleading Ignorance About Dossier Funding Shows He Should Never Have Been FBI Director

Pam Bondi: ‘I Have No Doubt in My Mind’ Broward County Will Vote Scott Peterson Out of Office in 2020

Geraldo: It Would Be a Wonderful Gesture by the Nobel to Show They Are Not Ideologues If They Give Trump an Award

Huckabee: ‘There Is More Authenticity at a Wax Museum’ than at the Correspondents’ Dinner

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Fox News: Kanye West Releases New Song, Doubling Down on Support for Trump

Trump: ‘I’d Much Rather Be at Washington, Mich., than in’ D.C. Right Now at the WHCD

Trump Stops Speaking for Several Minutes After Someone Collapses at Rally

Trump Warns: If Dems Don’t Fund Wall, ‘We’ll Close Down The Country’

Fox News: Migrant Caravan Arrives in Tijuana

Peter Doocy: West Virginia Senate Race Is ‘One of the Republicans’ Best Opportunities to Flip a Seat’

Liberal Sherpa Cathy Areu Defends ‘Cry Clostest’ at University of Utah: It’s a ‘Giant Stress Ball’

Tucker: House Intel Report on Russia Collusion Is’ Bad News’ for CNN, MSNBC and They Should Apologize for the Last Year

Page Pate Appears in CNN’s ‘New Day’ To Discuss Michael Cohen

Friday, April 27, 2018

FLASHBACK: Gohmert: Mueller Is Completely Disqualified from Being Able to Investigate Anything in Which Comey Is Involved as a Witness, September 30, 2017

Kim Strassel: There Is No There on Collusion So Mueller Is Now Going After Trump on Obstruction

RNC Spox: It’s a ‘Good Decision’ By Trump to Skip the WHCD

Trump Welcomes Team USA: ‘You Performed and You Made Us Very Proud

Fox News: Free Speech Lawsuit Filed After Violence on the UC-Berkeley Campus Can Move Forward

Farage on Alfie Evans: ‘It’s Proof the State Has Got Too Big’

RNC Chair on Narrow Arizona Win: ‘It’s a Huge Win,’ ‘Don’t Listen to the Mainstream Media’

Diamond & Silk Rip Black Dems After Hearing: ‘It’s Black on Black Racism!’

Kurtz: Tom Brokaw Denies Allegations by Linda Vester, Says He Made No Romantic Overtures

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Rep. Jeffries, Diamond and Silk Contentious Exchange: ‘I’m Just Trying to Figure out Who Is Lying Here’

CNN Says ‘Assh*le’ on the Air While Reporting on Bill Cosby Outburst

Comey: I Still Believe McCabe ‘Stood Tall’ Despite Lying Repeatedly

Comey: I Hope Trump Didn’t Mean He Is Going To Decide By Executive Fiat To Direct The Actions of the DOJ

CNN: Police Union Vote ‘No Confidence’ in Broward County Sheriff Israel

Mike Pompeo Confirmed as Secretary of State, 57-42

Shawn Steel Appears on FBN’s ‘Varney & Company’ Repealing Calif. Gas Tax

Giuliani: Mueller Won’t Find a ‘Stitch of Evidence’ Trump Colluded with Russians

Cosby Accuser Attorney: This Is a Life Altering Experience for Any Woman

Kevin Steele on Bill Cosby Case: ‘Money and Power’ Will Not Stop Us from Seeking Justice

CNN: Bill Cosby Found Guilty on All Three Counts

Rep. Pallone Grills Pruitt: Has It Always Been Your Practice to Fire People Who Disagree with You?

Trump: ‘Anderson Cooper Was Surprisingly Tough and Did a Good Job’ with ‘Leakin’ Comey’

Trump: ‘I’m Very Disappointed in My Justice Department ... It’s a Disgrace’

Judge Napolitano: The Right Thing for Cohen to Plead the Fifth

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Joyce Vance Appears on MSNBC’s ‘The 11th Hour’ To Discuss Mueller Investigation

Ronan Farrow: Hillary Clinton Cancelled Interview Because I Was Reporting on Weinstein Story

Student to Comey: Given Your Leaking, How Can You Teach a Course on ‘Ethics and Leadership’

Hannity Praises CNN For Comey Coverage: Even ‘Total Lib’ Toobin Says It Doesn’t Look Good for Comey

Comey: We Can’t Be Numb to Trump’s Cail to Throw Me in Jail, It’s Not Okay

Gregg Jarrett: ‘Comey Appears To Have Committed A Felony By Misleading Congress’

Hannity on Kanye Tweets: ‘It is a New Political Landscape in America’

Schumer: Pompeo Doesn’t Have ‘the Right Values and the Right Commitment to Our Core National Principles’ to Earn My Vote

Port Authority Official Resigns After Going on Profane Tirade Against Cops During Traffic Stop

RELATED: Daily Mail: 'You may shut the f*** up': Shocking video shows a Port Authority commissioner and ex-Clinton aide flashing her golden badge during a traffic stop and telling cops they had 'ruined her holiday' by pulling her daughter's friend over

Corker on Sunset Provision: After 10 Years Iran Is Off and Running to a Nuclear Weapon

Guy Benson Appears on Fox News’ ‘America’s Newsroom’ To Discuss Dr. Ronny Jackson

CNN: Dr. Ronny Jackson Will Not Withdraw VA Secretary Nomination

Marc Thiessen: ‘I Never Thought I’d See the Day Where Our Greatest Ally in Europe Was France’

MSNBC Ruhle: Trump Is Putting a Record Number of ‘Federalist Society, Under 40, White Male Judges’

Brett Velicovich: Terrorists Are Using Drones ‘As a Way To Reek Havoc Unlike Ever Before’

Turley: Trump Is Likely To Win Before the Supreme Court on His Travel Ban

Judge Nap: DACA ‘As of Last Night, Is Alive and Well As If Barack Obama Were Still the President’

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Jack Keane: If We Can’t Fix the Iran Nuke Deal, We Are Headed for Termination

Tucker: Mexico Did Not Break Up the Migrant Caravan Before they Reached the U.S.

Debra Opri Appears on Fox 11 To Discuss the Bill Cosby Case

Hume Hits the GOP: Running Against Hillary Clinton in 2018 ‘Makes Little Sense’

Fox News: Manafort Charged with Conspiracy Against the U.S., Money Laundering, and Failing to Register as a Foreign Agent

Student Confronts Pelosi About Her ‘Crumbs’ Comments: Tax Cuts Helped Family Put Me Through College

Nurse Alice: Alcoholic Beverages & Deadly Mouth Bacteria

W.H.: ‘We Have No Intention of Firing the Special Counsel’

Kevin Brady: ‘When the Time Comes’ Kevin McCarthy Will Get My Vote for Speaker

Steve Rattner: I Don’t Think There’s Any Question After The Rand Paul Decision Pompeo Will Get Confirmed

Steve Rattner: The $1T Deficit Is a ‘Self-Inflicted Problem’ By Congress

Trump: The Wonderful Friendship Macron and I Have Developed ‘Is a Testament to the Enduring Friendship that Binds Our Two Nations’

Kamala Harris: ‘Assault Weapons Should Not Be Walking the Streets of a Civilized Country’

Monday, April 23, 2018

Mark Steyn on Van Attack: Toronto Has Become a Multi-Cultural ‘Hot Pot’ and ‘Grievances Develop’

Cruz: I Hope Dems Don’t Play Politics with Nat’l Security Appointments and Confirm Pompeo

FNC’s MacCallum: Avenatti Cancels Appearance on Our Show After Telling CNN Fox News Doesn’t Want Him

Gorka: FBI, DOJ Protected Hilary and Her ‘Felonious’ Use of a Private Server Because It Implicates Obama

Dershowitz: ‘Inappropriate’ for Trump to ‘Dangle’ a Pardon in Front of Cohen

Fox News: Bush 41 Admitted to the Hospital with a Blood Infection

Toronto Witness: ‘Pandemonium Broke Loose’

After Multiple Pedestrians Plowed Down on Toronto Sidewalk, Driver Gets out Holding What Appears To Be a Gun

Fox News: Rental Van Strikes Pedestrians in Toronto

Fox News: Waffle House Shooter in Custody

Turley: Comey ‘Certainly Did Violate the Rules of the FBI’ When He Leaked Memos

Prince William and Kate Middleton Welcome Royal Baby Number Three

Varney: Obama Is ‘Largely Responsible’ for the Turn Towards Socialism in the U.S.

FBI Admits Being Warned About Waffle House Killer, Defends Not Doing Anything

CNN Panel Spends Four Minutes Berating Trump for Misspelling in Tweet

Maher Likens Rudy Giuliani to a ‘Rat Problem’ and ‘Dracula’

Nunes: DNC Lawsuit a ‘Joke’ — They Should ‘Sue Themselves’

Devin Nunes: James Comey Lied to Congress About Origins of Steele Dossier

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Hero Describes Overpowering Mass Shooter at Waffle House, Saving Lives

Dershowitz: Trump Has to Worry About Cohen, ‘You Have to Worry About a Composer’

Macron: I’m Trying to Make France Great Again

Geraldo: ‘Comey Describes Himself As Stubborn, Prideful, Over-Confident, And Driven By Ego So I Agree With His Own Self- Assessment’

Dan Bongino on De Niro: ‘He Must Be Mistaking His Tough Guy Persona in the Movies for a Real Life Thing’

Dan Bongino Battles Fmr. Hillary Adviser: ‘A Whole Lot of Evidence’ Clinton Colluded with Steele and the Russians

Judge Jeanine Savages Comey: Only Difference Between You and J. Edgar Hoover Is He Wore Dresses

Kellyanne Conway Goes Off on CNN’s Dana Bash for Asking About Her Husband’s Trump-Critical Tweets

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Justice With Judge Jeanine: 'Where are Memos on Clinton, Lynch and Others?'

Senate Foreign Relations Committee to Vote on CIA Director Mike Pompeo's Nomination for Secretary of State Monday

CNN: Puerto Rico Evacuees Living in Limbo in Florida, FEMA Program to End Mid-May

WATCH LIVE: Barbara Bush Memorial at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston

Friday, April 20, 2018

DiGenova: FBI Agents Are ‘Very Angry,’ Believe Comey Is ‘Destroying a Great Institution’

CNN’s Will Ripley on N. Korea Suspending Nuke, Missile Tests: This Is a ‘Huge Win’ for Trump

Fox News: Trump Admin Fines Wells Fargo $1B for Lending Abuses

Fox News: Clapper Urged Comey to Brief Trump on Salacious Details of the Dossier

Schiffer on Bill Gates Surveillance Plan: ‘Big Threat to the Freedom and Liberty of the American People’

Greg Abbott: Barbara Bush ‘Was a Giant’

Beverly Hallberg on DNC Lawsuit: Democrats Want to Find Some Evidence Trump Didn’t Win Legitimately

El Cajon, Calif. Mayor: Sanctuary Policies Being Pushed Down Our Throats Have Nothing To Do with Safety, It Has To Do with Politics

Schumer to Introduce Bill to Decriminalize Pot: ‘I Have Seen Too Many People’s Lives Ruined’

RELATED: Politico: Schumer to introduce bill to decriminalize marijuana

Dershowitz: Giuliani Is a Very, Very Good Choice for Trump’s Legal Team, He Is a Superb Lawyer

Dershowitz: Comey Book Revealing Government Secrets For Profit. Wondering If Government Is Looking Into That?

Anderson Hits Hannity, Fox News For ‘Coordinated Smear Campaign’ Against Mueller, Comey

Geraldo: Comey ‘Is Melting Right Before Our Very Eyes’; It ‘Seems Like Revenge of the Nerd’

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Comey Claims FISA Was Not Used To Target Trump Camp: It’s ‘Incredibly Rigorous and Overseen By Federal Judges’

Mark Levin: Hillary Clinton Is Too Stupid To Realize Comey Protected Her From Being Indicted

Mark Levin: Comey’s Memos ‘Actually Help the President’

Comey: I Wrote Memos at the Time To Sort of Bolster the Credibility of My Recollection

CNN: Rudy Giuliani Joining Trump’s Personal Legal Team

Mark Meadows: We Have a ‘Growing Body of Evidence’ that There Was Coordination Between Loretta Lynch and the FBI

Judge Nap: ‘The Evidence of Mrs. Clinton’s Guilt of Espionage’ Is ‘Overwhelming’

Black Men Who Were Arrested for Not Leaving Starbucks Tell Their Story

Bob Corker Dismisses Idea of Trump 2020 Run: ‘Just Another Thing Going Across the Internet’

Nurse Who Tried To Save Passenger on Southwest Flight: ‘Her Injuries Were Substantial’

Frank Luntz Focus Group Rips ‘Two-Faced’ James Comey: ‘He Looked Like a Complete Moron’

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Likens Morning Joe to Hannity: ‘How is This Different?’

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Doug Wead Appears on CBSN to Discuss Barbara Bush

Van Hipp: If North Korea Denuclearizes, Trump ‘Will Deserve The Nobel Peace Prize’

Jamie Dantzscher: Larry Nassar ‘Was Able to Flourish’ Because of the ‘Culture of Abuse’

Fox News: House Republicans Demanding Investigations into Comey, McCabe, Loretta Lynch and Hillary Clinton

Meghan McCain Grills Comey on Motivation for Book: J Edgar Hoover Is Rolling Over in His Grave

Fox News: Raul Castro Stepping Down as Cuba’s Dictator

Starbucks CEO: ‘I’m Embarrassed, Ashamed’; ‘It’s Reprehensible’ People Kicked out of Store

Jerry Brown Battles FNC’s Griff Jenkins: ‘I Want to Protect People, You Have Your Fox Nonsense’

Velicovich: Google Engineers Have Decided There’s an Ethical Issue with Helping the Pentagon’s Drones