Sunday, April 30, 2017

FPI Podcast: Trump Scores Big In First 100 Days, Why Bill O’Reilly Should Not Have Been Fired, Tax Plan Fuzzy But Great, Dems Stonewalling The Wall

Trump: ‘I Signed 29 New Bills, a Record, Not Surpassed Since the Truman Administration’

Jeff Mason: ‘We Are Not Fake News,’ ‘Failing News Organizations,’ or ‘the Enemy of the American People’

Trump: ‘We Are Going To Keep Radical Islamic Terrorists the Hell out of Our Country’

Jack Keane on N. Korea: ‘We’re Not Going To Do Anything Unless They Provoke Us’

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Montage: ESPN, The Worldwide Leader in Progressive Politics

Richard Dreyfuss on Stifling of Conservatives: ‘It’s Political Correctness Taken to a Nightmarish Point of View’

Trump: The Russia Story Was Made Up Because Dems Were Embarrassed by the Election Loss

Suffolk County Police Commissioner: We’re ‘Dedicated to Decimating’ MS-13

Tucker Grills Immigration Atty.: There’s a ‘Direct Connection’ Between Illegals and Rise of MS-13, Why Not Admit It?

Kurtz: ‘I’m Not Seeing Much Difference’ in Trump’s Press Coverage; It’s as ‘Hostile’ as Ever

Friday, April 28, 2017

Limbaugh: Shove This ‘Government Shutdown Garbage’ Down ‘Every Orifice’ of the Democrats

Ari Fleischer: Trump ‘Changed the Mentality’ of Illegals Crossing the Border

Presidential Historian: Trump’s ‘Hitting Home Runs’ in His First 100 Days

FNC: Delta Passenger Kicked off Flight for Using Restroom

Tucker Grills Actor Tim Daly: Why Don’t Rich Actors Subsidize the Arts Instead of Putting It on the Taxpayer?

Trump on Being President: ‘I Thought It Would Be Easier’

Michael Beschloss: It Seems Like a Really Long 100 Days with Trump

Jeff Sessions: Right for Trump to Criticize the Ninth Circuit

Sessions: ‘I Cannot Confirm or Deny the Existence of Any Investigation’ into Fox News

Ann Coulter on Berkeley Speech: ‘They Were Hoping I Would Cancel’

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Fox News: Pentagon Officials Warned Flynn About Accepting Payment from Foreign Sources

Maria Cardona on Watters’ Ivanka Comment: ‘Misogynistic,’ Reminds Everyone of the Fox Culture That’s Alive and Well

Margaret Hoover: Jesse Watters’ Ivanka Comment ‘Reflective’ of ‘What you Feel in the Soup’ at Fox News

Joe Biden to College Men: ‘A Woman Who’s Dead Drunk Cannot Consent; You Are Raping Her’

Trump: Our Veterans ‘Secured This Nation with Their Blood’ and ‘Now We’re Going to Protect and Take Care of Them’

ABC News: Trump Signs Order Creating Office of Accountability and Whistle Blower Protections at the VA

Tucker Grills Prof. Who Opposes Ann Coulter Speaking: You’re Trying To ‘Justify Fascism’

Hannity: If We Don’t Fight Back, Others Will Fall Victim to the Liberal Media Fascists

O’Reilly Backs Coulter, Blasts ‘Snowflake Fascists‘: ‘This Is So Much Garbage’

Mnuchin: ‘70% or More of the Tax Burden Is Borne by the Tax Worker’

United CEO: ‘We Breached Public Trust’

Kelly Wright Joins Racial Discrimination Suit Against Fox: We Have to Say ‘Enough Is Enough’

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin: You’d Have to Be David Copperfield to Make Trump’s Tax Plan Work

Trump on Education Exec. Order: Time Has Come to Empower Parents, Teachers to Help Students Achieve Success

Spicer: The 9th Circuit Has ‘a Horrible Record of Interpreting that Law’

Anita Hill: Fox News Kept the Sexual Harassment in Place by Paying Women Off

Tammy Bruce: Berkeley Making It Easier for Rioters To Be Heard than Ann Coulter

Gary Cohn: We Are Going to Repeal the Death Tax

Mnuchin: ‘Our Objective Is to Make U.S. Businesses the Most Competitive in the World’

Rep. Raskin Likens Congress to Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia for Removing Pigs-as-Cops Painting

CBS Legal Analyst: Lawsuit Alleges a ‘Systemic, Pervasive Problem in Fox News Culture’

Kasie Hunt: Chaffetz Seems ‘Determined to Take Michael Flynn with Him on the Way Out’

Fox News: Trump to Sign Exec. Order that Could Open Public Lands to Industry

CNN: Fox News anchor joins lawsuit alleging racial discrimination, harassment at network

Kevin Brady:Trump’s ‘Going Bold’ on Tax Cuts

Spicer: U.S. Code ‘Makes It Clear’ Trump ‘Has the Full Authority’ to Withhold Funding from Sanctuary Cities

Cruz: ‘Nancy Pelosi Is a Whole Special Kind of — I’m Just Going to Leave It at That’

Hume: I Don’t Think North Korea Wants a Nuclear War and I Don’t Think They’d Start One

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

CNN: Judge in Calif. Issues Injunction Against Trump’s Order to Withhold Money from Sanctuary Cities

Secretary of Energy Perry: I Think We’ll Get Tax Cuts and Healthcare Reform; ‘I’m Very Optimistic’

Chaffetz: I See No Evidence that Flynn Complied with the Law

Chaffetz on Flynn: You Can’t Take Money’ from Russia or Turkey; It Was ‘Inappropriate’ and ‘There Are Repercussions’

Hannity Fires Back: ‘I Can No Longer Remain Silent and I Can No Longer Let the Left’s Slander Against Me Slide’

MSNBC: New Orleans Takes Down the First of 4 Confederate Monuments

De Blasio I Had a Conflict with the Police Union, Not the Rank and File

Bloomberg Hits Sanctuary City Mayors: ‘The Law Is the Law’

Ignatius: ‘Smartest Thing’ Trump Has Done in His First 100 Days Is Work with China on North Korea

CBS: Two Conservative Groups File Suit Against UC Berkeley After Canceling Coulter Speech

O’Reilly on Firing: ‘I’m Confident the Truth Will Come Out’

Gingrich: ‘The Fascist Left Has Decided They Have To Shut Us up Because We Are Winning the Argument’

Monday, April 24, 2017

Judge Nap: ‘Revolutionary’ that Trump Ordered IRS to Not Collect a ‘Lawful’ ObamaCare Tax

Alisyn Camerota: ‘Roger Ailes Did Sexually Harass Me’

David Shulkin: ‘We Do Need Accountability in the VA’ But It’s Not ‘Just Firing’

Jenner: Jeff Sessions Has Been Very Anti-LGBT

CNN’s Bolduan on Perez’s Profanity Laced Tirades: ‘Makes Me Wonder’ Do Dems Have a Strategy?

Trump Calls the ISS, Congratulating Astronaut Peggy Whitson for Setting New Record for Most Days in Space

Michael Schmidt: Loretta Lynch Basically Asked Comey to ‘Mislead’ the Nation on the Nature of the Clinton Probe

Sessions: Dems Will Be the Ones Shutting the Gov’t Down if They Block the Wall

MSNBC: NYT Reports Comey Tried to Shield the FBI Politics in the Clinton Email Probe

Heilemann: Trump’s 96% Support with His Base Why He’s Not Collapsing But Also Why He Can’t Do Anything Large

Sunday, April 23, 2017

FPI Podcast: O’Reilly Too Sexy For Fox, Carpetbagger Ossoff Gets Slammed, Dems Should Wash Perez’ Mouth Out With Soap

Fred Fleitz: Iran Is in Violation of the ‘Letter’ of the Nuke Deal

Mulvaney: We Are Dems ‘Wholeheartedly’ Against the Wall When They Voted for It in 2006?

Peter King: I Wish Dems Would Realize There’s Nothing ‘Bigoted’ or ‘Racist’ About a Wall

Pelosi: ‘Of Course’ You Can Be a Dem if You’re Pro-Life

Chris Wallace: Trump ‘Clearly Hasn’t Done’ More than Any Other President in the First 100 Days

Unhinged Tom Perez Attacks Trump with Profanity: ‘He Doesn’t Give a F*ck About Health Care’

Dershowitz: We Have to Learn from the ‘Terrible North Korean Mistake’ and Not Repeat It with Iran

Amie Parnes: Hillary Blames Comey and Russia for Loss

Tucker Carlson in 2003: ‘There Is a Kind of Deep Phoniness’ at the Center of O’Reilly’s ‘Shtick’

Carl Bernstein: ‘Serious Belief’ in the FBI There’s an ‘Active Coverup’ to Hide Trump Campaign-Russia Connection

Watters on O’Reilly Firing: ‘Change Is Hard’

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Hill: Bill O’Reilly’s former show turns out the lights


President Trump Weekly Address 4/21/17

Friday, April 21, 2017

Stirewalt: If Trump Admin Shuts Down the Gov’t over Border Wall It Will Be an ‘Incredible Act of Foolishness’

Fox News: Ann Coulter Rejects UC Berkeley’s Offer to Reschedule Event

Jeff Sessions: ‘Biggest Part of the Credit’ for Drop in Crossings Goes to Trump and His Message the Border’s Not Open

Black Student on Free Tuition for Black Americans: Slavery Stops Us from Getting into College and Passing on Wealth

Scarborough: ‘The Democratic Party Needs to Wake Up'

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Chuck Grassley Drops Hint at Retirement of Supreme Court Justice

Rep. Coffman: ‘House Intel Committee Has Been Too Politicized; FBI Under Comey Is a Little Questionable Too’

CNN's John King Bashes DNC Tom Perez For His Profanity Laced Rants

DNC Unity Tour Audience Boos When Sanders Thanks Tom Perez for His Remarks

CBS’s Pelley: ‘A Manhunt Is Underway for a Traitor Inside the CIA’

Dem Congressman Admits that Iran Nuclear Deal Doesn’t Combat Terrorism

Jeremy Peters: Murdochs Will Now Look at Whether Hannity’s ‘Propaganda’ Is Acceptable

Former Fox News Contributor Hoover: I Had to Navigate a Minefield at Fox News

CNN’s Camerota: There Was Harassment But no Hotline During My Time at Fox News

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

MSNBC: Adidas Apologizes for Email Sent to Racers Saying ‘Congrats, You Survived the Boston Marathon’

Chaffetz: ‘You Have to Reevaluate Your Life When You’re Sleeping on a Cot in Your Office When You’ Turn 50

Coulter: I’ll Push with My Speech at Berkeley Even If I Get Arrested

Kirsten Powers: Ailes Claimed O’Reilly ‘Likes to Put up Dirty Pictures’ and Ask Pretty Girls About Them

‘We Wish Him the Very Best’: The Factor — and Fox News — Bid Farewell to Bill O’Reilly

Fox News’ Kurtz on O’Reilly: Women Here Said They Were Uncomfortable with Him Staying

CNN’s Chalian: O’Reilly Firing a ‘Real Shock to the System’ of Conservative Americans

CNN Guest: ‘Climate’ at Fox News Allowed Ailes and O’Reilly to ‘Operate with Impunity’

CNN: Bill O’Reilly Is out at Fox News, Its Parent Company 21st Century Fox Just Announced

CNN Chyron Calls Georgia Election ‘First Real Verdict’ of Trump, a Week After GOP Won Special Election

NTK Montage: Liberal Media Doesn’t Have Much Confidence Ossoff can Win a Runoff

Fox News: Fresno, Calif. Gunman Yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’ During Shooting Spree

Karen Handel: Ossoff ‘Couldn’t Even Vote for Himself’

CNN’s Cuomo Calls out Tom Perez over Claim Jon Ossoff Was Outspent 2 to 1: He Was Outspent ‘by 18 People’

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Gingrich: ‘Unlikely’ Jon Ossoff Will Get 50 Percent and ‘Likely We’ll Beat Him in June’

MSNBC: Former President George H.W. Bush Hospitalized in Houston

Waters Claims She’s Never Called for Trump’s Impeachment Hours After Tweeting She Wanted Him Impeached

Mark Zuckerberg on Cleveland Shooting Video Controversy: ‘We Have a Lot More To Do’

John Bolton: When North Korea Hears Give up Your Nukes, They Hear ‘Give up Your Regime’

CNN: FBI Used Trump Dossier To Get Warrant for Surveillance

Lisa Bloom: I’m Not Charging Any of My O’Reilly Accusers

Ossoff Reminds Voters on Election Day that He Doesn’t Live in District, Can’t Vote for Himself

Gingrich: China Has Shifted ‘Dramatically’ on North Korea and Trump ‘Gets Almost No Credit’

Crowd at the Maine DNC Unity Tour Boos Tom Perez

CNN: French Police Foil ‘Imminent’ Terror Attack

Judge Nap on Report ICE Arrests Are Up: ‘It Shouldn’t Be Newsworthy’ When the Gov’t Enforces the Law

Ian Bremmer: ‘Ludicrous’ to Think China Will Turn Nuclear North Korea into a Non-Nuclear State

Elizabeth Warren Claims Her New Book Is Not a Step Toward a 2020 Presidential Run

Maxine Waters: Trump Owes Debt to People Who He Doesn’t Want Us to Know About

Monday, April 17, 2017

‘Dumbest Question I’ve Ever Heard!’: Keith Boykin Goes Off on Jeff Lord over Trump Tax Returns

MSNBC Hypes Argument that Trump Border Wall’s a ‘Terrible Obstacle’ for Birds and Bats!

North Korean Amb. to the U.N.: ‘Nuclear War May Break out at Any Moment’

Fmr. Obama Admin Official: Obama’s ‘Natural Inclination’ to Get Us out of War ‘Caused a Lot of Damage’

Melania Trump Appears to Remind President to Place His Hand Over His Heart During National Anthem

FNC: Fmr. British Foreign Minister Tells BBC ‘There’s a Strong Belief’ U.S. Cyber Attack Took Down N. Korean Missile

Pence to N. Korea: ‘Era of Strategic Patience Is Over’

Pence at the DMZ: We Are Abandoning the ‘Failed Policy of Strategic Patience’ with North Korea

Varney: ‘It’s Going To Be a Very Good Week for Profits for American Corporations’

Sunday, April 16, 2017

CNN: Cleveland police seek suspect in Facebook homicide video

Needham: ‘The American People Really Don’t Care About’ Trump’s Tax Returns

Researcher: After 6 Months of Age, Babies Develop Racial Bias

McMaster: ‘Unclear’ if Missiles in North Korean Parade Were Real or Fake

Huckabee: To Not Take Kim Jong Un ‘Seriously’ Is a ‘Fatal Mistake’

John Kelly on Drug War: ‘Drug Consumption in the United States Is the Problem’

Jeff Sessions on Sanctuary Cities: If You Don’t Cooperate You Will Lose Grant Money

Trump Supporter Left Bloodied After Being Attacked by Anti-Trump Activists

Berkeley Anti-Trump Protesters Savagely Beat Pro-Trump Supporters

Fox News: North Korea Missile Launch Fails

Kim Jong Il Biographer: ‘We Have Absolute Reason To Be Concerned’ About N. Korea; I’m ‘Absolutely Terrified’

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Chris Wallace: We’ve Seen a ‘Complete Change’ in Trump’s Attitude Towards Putin, Whether It’s Syria or Afghanistan

Jon Conradi: ‘Even if Bannon Is Being Iced out ... There Are Going To Be Populist Figures Who Remain Behind in the W.H.’

John Bolton: ‘25 Million People in North Korea Live in a Vast Prison Camp’

Barbara Lee: ‘Blank Check’ AUMF ‘Set the Stage for Perpetual War’

Friday, April 14, 2017

Wendy Sherman: Kim Jong Un Is ‘Worse’ than His Father; He Is ‘Brutal Publicly’

Mike Tyson Asks Chris Christie to Ask Trump About Pardon He Says He Was Promised

Maddow: British Intel Agency GCHQ First Reported Russian Ties with Trump Campaign

CNN: Trump White House to Keep Visitor Logs Private

CNN: Russia, Syria, Iran Demand Independent Investigation in Chemical Weapons Attack

Mike Morell: ‘We Have to Assume’ N. Korea Is Capable to Reach the U.S. with ICBM Now

Rep. Mike Coffman: Trump’s Use of MOAB Was a Signal to ISIS, the World that He’ll Protect U.S. Security Interests

U.N. Amb. Haley: Trump Allows Me To Be a Bull in a China Shop

CBS Celebrates Federal Court Striking Down Texas’ Voter ID Law

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Trump Deputy Asst. Gorka: Wiping out ISIS Is No Longer Empty Rhetoric

John Bolton on Afghanistan Bombing: Magnitude Roughly Equivalent to Small Nuclear Weapon

Philip Mudd: Assad Has Received the Message with Afghanistan Bombing

CIA Director Pompeo: ‘We Are Not an Untethered or Rogue Agency’

CNN: North Korea Touts Massive New Project with Show of Strength